Funny how things work out...(HC Content)

Mark Wein

Grand Poobah
Staff member
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Essentially Craig Anderton and Dendy contacted me last week about participating in HCEG to generate some content and stir the pot a little bit. For me it'll be fun to have another place to talk about myself :)o) and a little extra exposure. Plus there might be some other opportunities coming my way as well so it sounded like a good deal.
We'll see how it goes but they reached out to me so I figured I would give it a go. I'm not going to do "real" moderating like breaking up fights or stuff like that...just posting some threads and participating here and there.
How long until they figure out users are again seeking refugee status in Weinworld?
Logged in and now there are post buttons. The same 3-4 people have been posting in guitar jam for the past 2-3 years. *spits*
Should be an easy gig if they haven't fixed the problem of it being crashed 98% of the time.

Seriously though, I guess they're not worried about you poaching their users for this forum since they don't have any.
Should be an easy gig if they haven't fixed the problem of it being crashed 98% of the time.

Seriously though, I guess they're not worried about you poaching their users for this forum since they don't have any.
If anything it would be the other way around. I'm not worried about it though. Folks will post wherever they want.
I'm pretty sure I'm a member there but I can't remember!!

Edit: I just tried logging in at HC....apparently I'm NOT a member. Lol
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