Conspiracy theories: post your favourite ones

I forgot to mention chemtrails!!!

We had (one got fired) 3 people at work that were obsessed with them. Every single vapor trail was chemicals. I tried to explain how a straight line across the apex of the visible horizon was 680 miles and it would be impossible for them to leave a visible from 40,000 feet fog of chemicals in the air and still carry fuel for the trip, explained the paper trail, logistics and size of factories for a company creating that much chemicals, not to mention mining of natural resources would be impossible to keep under wraps. Nothing but further argument, or "well, they're really powerful people....".
This is a great example of what happens when you try to reason with someone who believes a conspiracy theory.
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I used to find some conspiracy theories fun/funny in a wacky/dumb way, but in recent years there's just way too much evidence that waaaay too many people actually believe and spread the stupidest shit that's actively harmful (see: antivaxxers, etc) that all conspiracy theories have kinda lost their fun. The bloom is off the paranoid weirdo rose for me personally.

I think that perhaps people got together and came up with successively weird(er) ones in an effort to get people to dismiss all of them - that way the ones that could be true have some doubt cast on them right away.