Conspiracy theories: post your favourite ones


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You should read Pandora in the Congo, if you haven’t read it already. I’ve no doubt recommended it here before. Some extremely fun H. Rider Haggard-type stuff set immediately before WWI with very clever postmodern sensibilities.

Thank you! I remember you recommending it and I forgot the title and author, and it's been niggling me.
I used to find some conspiracy theories fun/funny in a wacky/dumb way, but in recent years there's just way too much evidence that waaaay too many people actually believe and spread the stupidest shit that's actively harmful (see: antivaxxers, etc) that all conspiracy theories have kinda lost their fun. The bloom is off the paranoid weirdo rose for me personally.
I used to find some conspiracy theories fun/funny in a wacky/dumb way, but in recent years there's just way too much evidence that waaaay too many people actually believe and spread the stupidest shit that's actively harmful (see: antivaxxers, etc) that all conspiracy theories have kinda lost their fun. The bloom is off the paranoid weirdo rose for me personally.
Well said.
my sources confirm that yabba is putting his spunk in the covid vaccine and it rewrites your dna into a bad weather runner
my sources confirm that yabba is putting his spunk in the covid vaccine and it rewrites your dna into a bad weather runner
spunk, phlegm, sweat, you name it, I'm puttin' it in vaccines. A world of flushed, dripping super-sweaters is just a quick FDA approval away
In 1974 the world actually ended, quietly, and humanity was replaced with sub-moronic lookalikes trained to make me crazy. This was punishment for my peeking at my Christmas present.
In 1974 the world actually ended, quietly, and humanity was replaced with sub-moronic lookalikes trained to make me crazy. This was punishment for my peeking at my Christmas present.

Not unlike the fringey thought that the universe did end in 2012 and we were all instantly blinked into a new timeline that is this one that’s slightly batshit—which is one explanation for The Mandela Effect.
I used to find some conspiracy theories fun/funny in a wacky/dumb way, but in recent years there's just way too much evidence that waaaay too many people actually believe and spread the stupidest shit that's actively harmful (see: antivaxxers, etc) that all conspiracy theories have kinda lost their fun. The bloom is off the paranoid weirdo rose for me personally.

Yeah. A group of weirdos trolling the Birchers about TEH ILLUMINATI in the 1960s kind of accidentally started the whole Illuminati/New World Order/CFR/Tri-lats conspiracy as a serious thing that paranoid goobers believe. Or if they didn’t start it, they didn’t not contribute to it. But the whole thing is—be careful with reality because it is fragile and fucking around with it can have consequences.