Conspiracy theories: post your favourite ones



My personal conspiracy theory is that due to a mishap with the LHC, we have been shifted to an alternate timeline.

BTW, does anyone else still read "large hadron collider" as "large hardon collider"?
Yeah. A group of weirdos trolling the Birchers about TEH ILLUMINATI in the 1960s kind of accidentally started the whole Illuminati/New World Order/CFR/Tri-lats conspiracy as a serious thing that paranoid goobers believe. Or if they didn’t start it, they didn’t not contribute to it. But the whole thing is—be careful with reality because it is fragile and fucking around with it can have consequences.

Reading Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminatus Trilogy as a 14 year old sent me down a 'do not trust anything' rabbithole which would hopefully have had a magic pot of mescaline or something at the end, allowing me the ability of seeing all the social conditioning and machinations goin on around me as clear as the workings in a transparent clock. Kinda like a chemical version of the sunglasses in They Live.
The trilogy turned me on to all kinds of weird and wonderful theories and historical figures, and counterculteral stuff, which led me to insufferably refusing to cooperate with my teachers and the education system and deliberately fail all my exams. I was intractable.
Reading Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminatus Trilogy as a 14 year old sent me down a 'do not trust anything' rabbithole which would hopefully have had a magic pot of mescaline or something at the end, allowing me the ability of seeing all the social conditioning and machinations goin on around me as clear as the workings in a transparent clock. Kinda like a chemical version of the sunglasses in They Live.
The trilogy turned me on to all kinds of weird and wonderful theories and historical figures, and counterculteral stuff, which led me to insufferably refusing to cooperate with my teachers and the education system and deliberately fail all my exams. I was intractable.

Yeah, fascinating stuff. But I’m pretty incapable of taking anything entirely seriously so I’ve never been sucked into this or any other bizarro worldview wholeheartedly. But I can imagine how this shit could eat the brains of an ardent young person.
The invisible force that prevents large groups of people from keeping anything secret.

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One of my Facebook 'friends' has over the last few years gone down the rabbit hole of New Age bullshit like Naturopathy, crystal healing, detox and other fun stuff. All rather innocent stuff, however last week she posted that Covid was an engineered virus and the ensuing lockdown the first step in getting the people obedient towards the NWO.

yeah, instantly muted
One of my Facebook 'friends' has over the last few years gone down the rabbit hole of New Age bullshit like Naturopathy, crystal healing, detox and other fun stuff. All rather innocent stuff, however last week she posted that Covid was an engineered virus and the ensuing lockdown the first step in getting the people obedient towards the NWO.

yeah, instantly muted
I am sadly amazed at the people who I thought were reasonable and thoughtful who have become caught up in Covid-related and other conspiracy theories. Especially when you present facts and are told to "do your homework." Uh, I just gave you reputable data from trusted sources. You gave me someone in a YouTube video... :facepalm:
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Not unlike the fringey thought that the universe did end in 2012 and we were all instantly blinked into a new timeline that is this one that’s slightly batshit—which is one explanation for The Mandela Effect.
I wonder if we've reached/are approaching the point where the acceleration of technology and the resultant onslaught of information overwhelms the human mind, so we're increasingly relying on these "path of least resistance" explanations for things we don't have the bandwidth to understand.
I wonder if we've reached/are approaching the point where the acceleration of technology and the resultant onslaught of information overwhelms the human mind, so we're increasingly relying on these "path of least resistance" explanations for things we don't have the bandwidth to understand.

Sometime in the 15th century Chickenicca Monkeyverde of Padua was probably wondering if humans had become so impious that they were willing to believe in the simplified ideas of natural phenomena as an explanation for reality because they couldn’t comprehend complex spiritual underpinnings of the cosmos.

People are dingbats and they like to believe weird shit for all sorts of reasons. Frankly, the Mandela effect is mostly just excuse-making for bad/sloppy memory and an unwillingness to admit that you believed a false fact because you got all your info from advertising and pop culture.
Sometime in the 15th century Chickenicca Monkeyverde of Padua was probably wondering if humans had become so impious that they were willing to believe in the simplified ideas of natural phenomena as an explanation for reality because they couldn’t comprehend complex spiritual underpinnings of the cosmos.

People are dingbats and they like to believe weird shit for all sorts of reasons. Frankly, the Mandela effect is mostly just excuse-making for bad/sloppy memory and an unwillingness to admit that you believed a false fact because you got all your info from advertising and pop culture.
Well, yeah. Either things are the same as the ever were, or things are getting different.
One of my Facebook 'friends' has over the last few years gone down the rabbit hole of New Age bullshit like Naturopathy, crystal healing, detox and other fun stuff. All rather innocent stuff, however last week she posted that Covid was an engineered virus and the ensuing lockdown the first step in getting the people obedient towards the NWO.

yeah, instantly muted
You know her too?