Conspiracy theories: post your favourite ones


Nasi Goreng Afficionado
Please keep it friendly, non-political and irreverend.

mine: can’t beat the old David Icke alien reptilian theory

David Icke is hard to beat. Have you ever read any of his books? I've sometimes been perversely curious to give one a go.
The Baltimore Orioles faked a power outage to keep Cal Ripken's consecutive games played streak alive after Ripken beat up Kevin Costner after catching Costner in bed with his wife.

Bill Hicks faked his own death and became Alex Jones.

Paul Is Dead
I did a few art projects on conspiracy theories. Had quite a lot of fun with them. I think the HAARP bullshit might be one of my favourites, since it's actually almost sensible.
You should see some of the things that people are saying 5G cell phone signals are going to do.
I enjoy the various Jack the Ripper theories and the JFK stuff and RFK/MK Ultra/Rosicrucian nonsense.

Paul is Dead is a ton of fun. As is Adorno and Tavistock invented the Beatles for mind control.

The various bits of nonsense about Francis Bacon is fun, though anti-Stratfordianism is infuriating.

I also like the various bits of baloney about missing centuries/unreliable timelines/history is a canard and there’s way less actual history than you are told and the Middle Ages were a complete fiction.
That's the one I would most love to be true.

You should read Pandora in the Congo, if you haven’t read it already. I’ve no doubt recommended it here before. Some extremely fun H. Rider Haggard-type stuff set immediately before WWI with very clever postmodern sensibilities.