OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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well, at least trump picked someone with the same skill set as his. they both have lost tons of money making stupid decisions. trump went bankrupt four times and pence passed the 'religious freedom' law and lost indiana 30 billion in taxes and revenue, and who knows how much in the future from companies pulling out of the state.
It's an embarrassment to the country to have people who deny natural selection elected to public office, especially to offices where they can make decisions re: science, research, and education.
but.....but......but......the earth is only 5000 years old. clearly you are not clued in to 'the truth'.

btw.....have you heard about the new "ark" park??
they're TEACHING the 5000 year old theory there. according to them the dinosaurs lived AMONG people 5 or 6 thousand years ago.

maybe if we could get several billionaires to fund it, we could make a new religion where there are TWO messiahs, Les Paul and Strat O'Caster. and they went up on Mount Marshall and.........
but.....but......but......the earth is only 5000 years old. clearly you are not clued in to 'the truth'.

btw.....have you heard about the new "ark" park??
they're TEACHING the 5000 year old theory there. according to them the dinosaurs lived AMONG people 5 or 6 thousand years ago.

maybe if we could get several billionaires to fund it, we could make a new religion where there are TWO messiahs, Les Paul and Strat O'Caster. and they went up on Mount Marshall and.........
I've heard about the new "ark" park. And I'm disgusted that tax dollars were used to pay for it.
i'm just gonna hold my nose and vote Against trump.

I’m happy to vote for Hillary. I don’t think she’s perfect—but she doesn’t pretend to be. She’s a shit campaigner with little charisma. But she’s a Machiavellian, patient, thinks far into the future, and she isn’t afraid to literally laugh at her opponents, to their faces, on camera, in the House of Representatives. I don’t want another president who always tries to take the high ground and makes lots of lofty promises. I want someone who isn’t afraid to crawl down into the much and slit a few throats to get shit done. America needs another Lyndon Johnson right now, and Hillary is as close as we’ve got.
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I’m happy to vote for Hillary. I don’t think she’s perfect—but she doesn’t pretend to be. She’s a shit campaigner with little charisma. But she’s a Machiavellian, patient, thinks far into the future, and she isn’t afraid to literally laugh at her opponents, to their faces, on camera, in the House of Representatives. I don’t want another president who always tries to take the high ground and makes lots of lofty promises. I want someone who isn’t afraid to crawl down into the much and slit a few throats to get shit down. America needs another Lyndon Johnson right now, and Hillary is as close as we’ve got.

There will be no nose-holding when I vote for her. Even before she pledged a campaign finance amendment, the fact was that she'll appoint justices who will overturn Citizens United at the first chance is enough for me. I'm not a single-issue voter, but that single issue mucks up every other issue I care about. She can do whatever she wants for four year and can't do as much damage as that ruling will do in the long run.
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