OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Does anyone see the logic behind Trump picking Pence? Indiana is thoroughly red state - he didn't need Pence to win Indiana.

Pence seems much further right in ideology than Trump (although with Trump, who knows for sure). Was he hoping to appease Republican party hard-liners?

<tinfoil hat mode>
I wonder if the Republican party talked Trump into Pence with the idea that the first time Trump screws up in office, they'd turn on him and impeach putting Pence in the White House.
</tinfoil hat mode>
Some Republicans tried to distance themselves from Trump. Pence gives him a kind of legitimacy within the party establishment. Some will start coming back now. The question is, are there enough Trump/Pence supporters to overcome the Hillary Coronation Machine? Conversely, are there enough Democrats in Indiana to turn the state blue again now that Pence is out of the gubernatorial race? Lastly, is this all part of Trump's plan to swing the country progressive by exposing America's underbelly?

Just to expand on this, Pence was in congress for 6 terms before he was Gov. The thought is, Pence could show him how stuff works.
I think Pence was picked for the singular reasoning of pulling in the evangelical, xtian uber alles, abortion is murder voters. Oh, and the gay haters. Can't forget them. Redundant?
I think Pence was picked for the singular reasoning of pulling in the evangelical, xtian uber alles, abortion is murder voters. Oh, and the gay haters. Can't forget them. Redundant?

Well he didn’t get picked for his foreign policy experience. Or his fiscal experience, since his experience there is creating imaginary alternative budgets
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