What is the most dangerous animal where you live?

I looked it up. Statistically most accidents involving animals here are riding accidents or 'various mishaps' in the stable. It's mostly 'minor injuries', but there are a couple of deaths every year. It's the fourth most dangerous sport apparently, and 60% of the injured persons are females under 19.
My first reaction is to say bears or rattlesnakes, but statistically it's probably some kind of secondary effect that's a lot less badass. Like deer related auto accidents, or ticks carrying lyme disease, etc.

Or perhaps the delicious pig or cow and their attendant suite of cardiovascular maladies
The 3 Maine Coons we live with trying to trip us up all the time. In the country, probably the idiot politicians in charge.
I looked ours up and supposedly it the Gila Monster which I have never seen one except for at the Zoo

Probably deer (because they always wanna fight cars) or feral dogs. Mosquitoes are probably up there because of West Nile and other diseases.

We do occasionally get the odd mountain lion or bear trekking through the area, but the last confirmed mountain lion got shot by the cops who are way more dangerous.


And ding dongs here claim they see wolves, but I suspect they are just the local coyotes who aren’t dangerous at all unless you’re a rabbit or a chihuahua.
Why didn't I think of sharks? Bull Sharks here accounted for 24% of all unprovoked shark attacks WORLD WIDE in 2018!
Yep. Apparently, a man was eaten by a gator in Slidell during or right after Ida blasted through.

My daughter and I came across a couple during the winter while we were on a hike a few years ago. They were over 12’ a piece. It was pretty cold so I knew they wouldn’t be too active and we didn’t have enough time to turn around and go back the way we came before it got dark so we had to pass them. Wasn’t enough room to give a wide berth and had to stick to the trail. I picked up a couple of sticks. The kid was freaked out and scared I was about to try and fight an alligator. Those sticks were just to throw to distract it incase they started coming towards us. They didn’t even budge.
My daughter and I came across a couple during the winter while we were on a hike a few years ago. They were over 12’ a piece. It was pretty cold so I knew they wouldn’t be too active and we didn’t have enough time to turn around and go back the way we came before it got dark so we had to pass them. Wasn’t enough room to give a wide berth and had to stick to the trail. I picked up a couple of sticks. The kid was freaked out and scared I was about to try and fight an alligator. Those sticks were just to throw to distract it incase they started coming towards us. They didn’t even budge.
We have a lot of big gators here at work. One needed to be relocated and one of our guys got too close to one. He had a loop around the gator's neck when the gator did the Roll of Death and took the guy down the bank with him, still holding on to the pole. Scared the guy, bad. He never attempted that again.
In Arizona it's Killer Bees, at least according to statistics.
I've had a couple run-ins with them but have yet to be killed.
According to the Matrix....

... the most dangerous animals in the Southwest Michigan / Northern Indiana area is:

1. The Brown Recluse Spider
2. The Black Widow Spider
3. The eastern massasauga rattlesnake
4. The copperhead snake
5. The western cottonmouth snake
6. Deer

I remember walking along some railroad tracks, and when I turned around I yelled for my friend Aaron to jump back. From the curled part of the abandoned tracks we were walking on, this thick black snake curled out onto the wooden rail tie. It hinged its head backwards like a tiny bear trap and it's mouth was bright white. We backed away veeeery slowly, until the snake slithered off to the river....

... and we took our shit stained asses home. :embarrassed:

And Deer? They must be including the Deer that cause auto accidents. I have to be extremely careful every day to and from work because early morning, particularly in the heavily wooded areas, and dusk are very common times to see 10-15 deer out on the golf course or leaving some farmer's field and heading back to the woods.
We have quite a few to choose from, but I’m going with the elephant seal

They are huge, and as fast and aggressive on the beach as they are in the water. They have a breeding ground at Ano Nuevo beach just north of us.

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