Question: What are your favorite strat pickups?

I have a couple of Fender vintage noiseless in my Duo Sonic that sound good. The only time I have replaced strat pickups, I went with the Lace ones and didn't like them. I think I have used Duncan SSL-5 in a strat build before. I had no idea what pickups to put in it, so I went with the one in the Glimour strat.
Yes. My strat has lace golds. If I was picking maybe Bare Knuckles rebel yell in the bridge and Irish tours in the middle and neck.
Whatever the stock pick ups are in my 87 MIJ Strat... they sound EXACTLY like a Strat should.

I have one loaded with the EMG David Gilmour DG20 set, and they are good at what they do, but they are way too compressed. I never play that guitar because of them. No need for that sound.

the ones in my strat are the best strat pups i have ever heard. they're hand made (no...REALLY hand wound) to the customer's wishes/spec's/sound and they're matched set. made by Owen Duffy ( . you can call him or email him or both.....discuss what kind of sound you've got in your head....give some songs/artists as examples, tell him what amps/effects you use. if he doesn't know the artist or song, he will go find out what they sound like.

he doesn't really have a money back policy, but he DOES have a "i will rewind the pups until you like them" policy, which i think is better anyway.
easy guy to work with. he IS a little slow, as he's doing this pretty much by himself and not completely full time. and they are not really cheap, but they're in the same ball park as Lolars, or any of the rest of them.

i don't get anything for recommending him. in fact i haven't talked to Owen in a couple years.....but i can not recommend them strongly enough.
i really love the Bareknuckle "Mothers Milk" set. there's some awesome, punchy and brash sounds in those.

the antiquity pickups appear to be quite popular.

i used to love the sounds i could get from the gold lace sensors in my strat plus guitars (back when i was playing strats).