What amp would your 16 year old self buy for at home jamming?

Yeah, at 16 I was probably certain I needed a Marshall half stack.

Reality: It's pretty tough to argue against a good old Blues Junior.
I've been in hate with my Blues Jr for 12 years. It sounds so dead and lifeless to me. I've retubed it, new speaker. If my dog hadn't chewed on the corner I would have traded it for a Deluxe Reverb. I know people love them, but mine is pretty lousy.
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I've been in hate with my Blues Jr for 12 years. It sounds so dead and lifeless to me. I've retubed it, new speaker. If my dog hadn't chewed on the corner I would have traded it for a Deluxe Reverb. I know people love them, but mine is pretty lousy.
Oh, agreed. I sold mine long ago. But I'm treating the question as, "What's a perfectly acceptable solution for a 16 year old?"
The solid state peavy and the ss fender HOT amps I had weren’t terrible. Far better than the 10 ton, loud as fuck Fender Blues Deville I “graduated” up to
This is definitely not the question. :)

Updated question -> Let’s say you are 16. What amp do you want for jamming at home knowing what you know today?

Trying to narrow it down, because the music I played at 16 is nothing like I play today. So I'm 16, playing the same music I did at 16, but knowing everything I know now and have the funds for whatever amp I want?

Probably a Rocker 32 or one of the Friedman combos.
Trying to narrow it down, because the music I played at 16 is nothing like I play today. So I'm 16, playing the same music I did at 16, but knowing everything I know now and have the funds for whatever amp I want?

Back in the day I didn't know what the heck was good or what I even wanted. A pal had a Marshall that had a great clean tone - in fact, one of the nicest clean tones I ever heard but a lousy overdriven tone that I only later realized would have been fine with an overdrive on the front end. I ended up going through a boatload of amps until I settled on a JC-120 that I used other things through it (mainly a Mesa Studio preamp that I got used that had been damaged and the damaged sound was great and after I got it repaired it retained whatever that variation was).

Today? There's so many amps I could buy that option anxiety would set in horrifically. Fender Hot Rod Deluxe? AC-15? AC-30? Small Marshall? Small boogie? Digital thingy? I would go out of my mind probably.

Since the bulk of what I do is recording these days and my gigs are sparse I'd probably go for something small and light that can handle pedals nicely or some kind of floorboard digital thing that can be amplified easily. For home use a recording out or headphone jack would probably be a necessity.

If I could go back in time I would have just said "Hey kid, get a strat, american strat - get it used for the price of a mexi and get yourself a Boss Katana and practice for 20 years."