What’s the Lamest Thing You Enjoy?

My reading habits are pretty lame. I'll start reading a book, and if I think it's any good I'll leave it at page 37 or whatever, because then I know I have something to look forward to. That means I'm always in the process of reading 6-8 different books and it takes me months to actually finish them.

I drive for leisure. Not great for the environment, I guess, and fuel is expensive, I just love driving. Fun fact, it's actually illegal here as you must have a purpose for driving. If you get routinely pulled over, the police may ask you where you're going, and if you're not going anywhere particular, they'll tell you to go home. I don't think you can get a ticket though.

I have a thing with numbers, and before I start recording and mixing something I'll settle on a numeral system for setting the levels and the panning and stuff. Like 11%, 22%, 33% and so on, or sometimes I go sexagesimal, because hey, that's what the Babylonians did.
- Me-time on the toilet. It’s the perfect zen-moment

- Lightning/thunderstorm videos

- waking up and realising I still have a few hours before I have to get up
Having a consistent bed time and wake up time has been one of the best things I ever adopted. There has to be a really good reason for me to deviate.

swords are sweet. I’ve done my fair share of organized fencing and who can’t resist a good movie style sword fight? Knives, fixed and folding, are more my thing. The blending of form and function with mechanical engineering is a pull.

My lame thing is having to understand how things work & deep dive into whatever I get into for the moment. I’ll take stuff apart and put it back together just to know how it works and fix anything. I have to DIY everything and know entirely too much about it, the process and any cultural significance. Make some bread? Sure, I’m going to research heirloom wheat varieties and plant some so we can make bread after harvest and I build a small mill.
we may be the same person
My favorite thing is to waste a day listening to music and smoking dope, with occasional bouts of guitar playing thrown in. But I can never do that any more.

So my next favorite lame thing is to mangle the words to songs to make them suit my own twisted purposes and sense of humor. Kind of like Weird Al's stuff, but with nearly all the cleverness sucked out. Most of it is like torture porn, or else just regular porn.
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Weird that since a couple years ago the only thing I have stayed with is playing guitar. It’s where I go to get lost; where I go to remember, where I go to feel good. Where I go to not feel alone. I know that’s weird because I can be in a room full of people that know me, talking and chatting and feel absolutely dark and alone. I pick up a guitar, acoustic or electric and that’s all gone.
I watch people camping on YouTube. Like, alot. Especially Xander Budnick.
I also prefer to be alone doing absolutely nothing. And I make paracord bracelets.
Pro wrestling. Not so much watching the matches, but the business behind it. Following guys moving from company to company, seeing who's getting a push and why, etc.
Pro wrestling. Not so much watching the matches, but the business behind it. Following guys moving from company to company, seeing who's getting a push and why, etc.

Here we go. This is what I’m talking about. @Monson and his recreational driving is also in this category.

Everyone saying, “Ooh, some nights I like to get crazy and give the kitties wet food and read comic books until 10pm” is not gonna be invited to Garbage City with me and Monson and Devil is Dill and Medieval Stab Attack Yabba.
I’ve spent well over a thousand on new LEGO sets over the past few months.

I enjoy binge-watching teen dramas.
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Yacht Rock and Flea Market Flip.
Recently, I went on a Dr. Hook deep dive. Did you know that all the lyrics to their first two albums were written by Shel Silverstein?
Gold is 100% lamer than Rush.

As much as I hate Rush, they’ve always had a bit of the hip to be square thing going on. And that really doesn’t apply to later prog acts.

But golf has no redeeming qualities. It embodies so much of what is shit.

Geddy Lee is a scratch golfer
Here we go. This is what I’m talking about. @Monson and his recreational driving is also in this category.

Everyone saying, “Ooh, some nights I like to get crazy and give the kitties wet food and read comic books until 10pm” is not gonna be invited to Garbage City with me and Monson and Devil is Dill and Medieval Stab Attack Yabba.
I love watching Shaun the Sheep videos infact I have all the seasons in my jeff Bezos Prime que. i also like watching any animated dog movie like The Secret life of Pets. etc
Medieval Stab Attack Yabba.
sadly I never got to the dagger curriculum at dork school, but I do have a very nice rondel as well as a cute little later period stilletto if anyone wants to come over to talk about the finer points of armored vs unarmored combat or some light sparring. After we're done we can stomp around like monsters and I have a bunch of frozen (homemade) waffles in my freezer and you can grab some on your way out.