The Telecaster thread

The Black Tele Brigade:
MIA Standard
Squier Custom II
MIM Nashville Deluxe
MIA Standard HS

My first Tele now long gone. It was MIM but modded as you can see.

My 2 builds, The Tele Twins.

I gave one away and modded the other one. Which now has the black p/g back on it. Still in my possession.

This is the Nashville Tele I won from TDPRI. No mods but I"m thinking about getting a push/pull switch to get neck and bridge cause a Tele has to have neck and bridge tones.
My limited and inauspicious history of the Telecaster...

Tele #1 (no pics) was a MIA Fender Telecaster, natural ash body with maple neck...had it for a few months, never played it, traded it on something I can't remember and probably no longer have...

Tele # 2 was a parts guitar, Red Dirt Guitarworks (no longer in business) ash body, MightyMite neck, GFS pickups...

...heavy as hell, sounded like crap...parted it out and sold it off...

Tele #3, the "Zemmycaster", another parts guitar, resulted from an aborted project for the late Zemmy, who died before I could finish it...

...also parted out and sold off, except the bridge...

"Tele" #4...

...finally, a "Tele" I like...:embarrassed:
I don't have a Tele, but I want to get a black double-bound body with maple neck and a B/W/B pickguard. I thought someone here in Weindom has one, but maybe I'm mistaken.

This isn't mine, but the middle one would be it.


On my 2 Mastery guitars, they were built with Masteries so I don't know if it changed the tone. I am building something now that will have standard hardware that I will upgrade to Mastery somewhere down the road so I will be able to tell if it changes it.

You'd expect the bridge plates to be fairly interchangable with the "regular" ones though, in most cases. If not, let's drill. :grin: