Dexter Inferno
Serious error
Friday was spent doing pretty much nothing apart from working. I did have a delicious (and ridiculously hot) vindaloo chicken dinner though, which was awesome.
Gig tonight, and tomorrow I should be starting the last overdubs and mixing on the next batch of songs for the Wasted cd. Once those are done we're up to 7 finished songs.
Right now we're aiming for a late summer, early autumn release. The last 3 or 4 songs haven't been rehearsed yet, and as a few of you know, lots of other stuff need to be in place before it's released.
Gig tonight, and tomorrow I should be starting the last overdubs and mixing on the next batch of songs for the Wasted cd. Once those are done we're up to 7 finished songs.
Right now we're aiming for a late summer, early autumn release. The last 3 or 4 songs haven't been rehearsed yet, and as a few of you know, lots of other stuff need to be in place before it's released.