The Enduring metal genius of Metallica

I noticed they dropped a new song thanks to Justin Hawkin's YT.

8.7 million views in 7 days

Are they a metal band these days or a bluesy hard rock outfit? IDK honestly asking to folks that have been keeping up the with Metallica releases.

I noticed they dropped a new song thanks to Justin Hawkin's YT.

8.7 million views in 7 days

Are they a metal band these days or a bluesy hard rock outfit? IDK honestly asking to folks that have been keeping up the with Metallica releases.

That might have some old school hard rock appeal if not for the lame drum programming/quantizing and tweaking. Also the guitar solo is kinda trash.

“Full speed or nuthin’” is somewhere in that clever/dumb realm.
Dave Mustaine?

Welp only the first album since he was already out of the band before recording was finished. Obvs post-MOP is the post Burton era of the band which was shaped by both his absence and their experience of his loss.
Sounds like they didn’t let Lars drum at all, but chose to use programmed samples
Actually the double kick isn’t that hard to maintain. I listened to the new song a dozen or so times and it really is not that fast the kick is just out front in the mix .
Dave says Metallica stole his material and used it on the firt and second records
Ride The Lighting, Master Of Puppets and AJFA is one of the best 3 album runs in the history of music. The Black Album, Load and Reload are by a completely different band and is one of the best 3 albums runs in rock music,

Everything since is wank.

In an interview with Sirius XM talk radio icon Howard Stern, Metallica's Lars Ulrich was asked about covering other bands and if he would be able to play Rush songs on drums.

Read More: Howard Stern Asks Lars Ulrich If He Can Play Rush Covers on Drums |

"Straying outside of the Metallica world is not the most comfortable thing for me," he admits,

"I love Rush — [but] If they had said, 'Come up and play '2112' with Alex [Lifeson] and Geddy [Lee], I'd go, 'I think there's somebody more qualified to do that than me.'

"Could I do it? Obviously, playing with Alex and Geddy would be incredible," the drummer responds, naming Red Hot Chili Peppers' Chad Smith and Grohl as two peers who handled that Rush material well onstage at the tribute events.

As for himself, tackling Rush "would be an uphill thing," he says.

"It would take a lot of rehearsal, a lot of prep. '2112' would probably be too much of a bite of the apple for me," Ulrich freely admits.

Read More: Howard Stern Asks Lars Ulrich If He Can Play Rush Covers on Drums |
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