Guys, damn I'm out of shape. Doing my grad program and working full time and taking care of my 17 year old (which isn't required by him, but by me to take advantage of our time together before he goes to college next year) hasn't left a lot of time for riding. Actually there is "time" but when you're exhausted from other things then the couch looks much better.
Anyway, going to wake up early tomorrow morning and hit our regular Saturday training ride which I haven't been on in several months. I will probably suck, probably get dropped on the one steep climb in the last third of the ride. But it's the only way to get back in shape. Get humiliated for a couple of months until I get my legs back.
I have just started running again this year after not running most of last year due to a heel injury (plantar fasciitis - self diagnosed because my regular doctor doesn't know shit about sports injuries). But running doesn't directly help cycling, besides just generally keeping your cardio and leg muscles strong. Still doesn't translate well enough to keep up with a ride that regularly sustains long stretches of flats at over 30 mph, where you're praying "I'll count to 20 slowly and the surge will end" and it doesn't.
I'm scared. But I'm going to do it. Wish me well. I'll report back.