That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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I guess I'm headed back to the hospital. They're going to do an EEG soon to confirm there's no brain activity.
Sounds like she took too many Xanax. She's been on pain killers for a long time with a very messed up back. She has been known to keep taking them when the pain got too bad to handle and I guess she took a few too many.

It's a shame. Her oldest son from her first marriage nearly lost it when his father died several years ago. She was so proud of the boy for finally beginning to turn his life around. He had moved back to Oklahoma City and has been working for his step father recently. Her daughter just graduated high school with my kid and she's been an honors student and is now in college.
Her youngest son, with her second husband is 15 and still lives at home. He's partly autistic and I'm sure he's not gonna deal well with this.
A tragedy for all involved.
My poor brother (not Foo, my oldest brother Jerry) is just in a daze.
Thanks everyone. Now, of course, we have to deal with the "Did she commit suicide?" gossipers. :facepalm:

Did I mention that a big part of my family sucks?
Most families have that contingent. You aren't alone.

I know but a particularly hurtful piece came my way last night that involved Mrs G and my niece.
Last spring my niece had knee surgery. Two days later, Mrs G ran into her at Target, riding one of the electric carts with a cast all the way up her leg. She was having trouble making around a tight corner because of her leg sticking out.
Mrs G went over to talk to her and ask if she needed help. My niece began joking with her about how hard it was to drive the cart stoned on pain killers. The two chatted for a few minutes and Mrs G began to wonder how she got to the store and whether she was driving. Mrs G asked her about that and just then my neice's husband walked up who had been getting stuff in a different part of the store.
My niece said "No way I'm driving on these pain killers. My husband has to drive me around for the next week."
They all had a chuckle then went their seperate ways.
Mrs G shared that story with two people: me and her sister.

Last night, my mother asked me if I knew Mrs G had seen the niece drunk at target last week. I said WTF?
Mom said "Yes, (a different) niece told me that mrs g saw her last week at target. She was drunk and Mrs G insisted on calling her husband to come pick her up when the niece got angry and started a commotion. Mrs G threatened to call the cops on her if she tried to get in a car. Then her husband showed up and took her home."

So, the story Mrs G told her sister in confidence ( which was not a hurtful story in any way) was relayed by the sister to this gossipy niece, who apparently changed the story to fit her own hateful narrative.
Mrs G was so furious at both her sister and this niece last night that I doubt she ever speaks to either one again.

Now I have to go talk to hateful niece and give her the what for on family gossip.
Then I have to go set the record straight with my grieving brother who has, I'm sure, already been told the hateful story by the niece or her mother ( my sister)

Yeah, that is pretty horrible right there. You have to really wonder what is wrong with people that derive pleasure from spreading crap like that.
Yeah, that is pretty horrible right there. You have to really wonder what is wrong with people that derive pleasure from spreading crap like that.

Mrs G and I do our best to stay out of family drama, especially on my side with all the gossipers on my mom's side. I normally just change the subject but when that shit is made to look like my wife is spreading hateful stories about my dead niece before she's even in the ground is more than I can bear.
It takes a lot to set me off but I'm royally pissed.
The family gossip sounds like something from my family. And they wonder why I avoid family gatherings. The truth is that I just don't like my extended family. I have nothing in common with them and no good reason to interact with them. I prefer to keep it that way. I'm sure the feelings are mutual.
The family gossip sounds like something from my family. And they wonder why I avoid family gatherings. The truth is that I just don't like my extended family. I have nothing in common with them and no good reason to interact with them. I prefer to keep it that way. I'm sure the feelings are mutual.

I'm kinda the same way. They dont understand why I don't want to hang out with a bunch of racist rednecks.
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