That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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I will say this: With size 10 strings, the 5th Avenue is my best plaing guitar.

Diggin the sounds. It'll do a little twang, good full rhythm sounds. And it definitely sounds like a hollowbody. I like that most of all.
The pickup may or may not stay, but this guitar makes a far better electric than acoustic.

Actually, you guys don't have that strong of an accent compared to places like Tennessee and Georgia... Or worse, the gulf states... Ever try to understand a Cajun, even when they're sober?!
There are a good many okies with heavy accents, mostly in the southern/southeastern part of the state. NW OK, where I'm from, folks sound like they're from Kansas or Nebraska. Not much accent to speak of.

Yeah, I know some cajuns. Damn, those guys are hard to follow. Wow.

Peeker definitely has the canadian accent going on. :lol:

:lol: I figured you put it on extra thick for the dim bulb redneck. I told all my friends today that I talked to a real Canadian last night. They were all impressed.

Mexicans, Columbians, Venezuelans we got coming out of our ears, but a Canadian is pretty exotic around here. Almost like a real Brit or something.

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