That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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I can't even imagine what is going on over there, and I run this place.

I'm telling you, they didn't check the bias when they retubed.

GH, amp? I'd love to have a tweed deluxe, but you can't even buy a clone for less than a grand.
I have no idea what I want. Something Fender-y. Reverb and trem would be nice, but not necessary.

I'm telling you, they didn't check the bias when they retubed.

GH, amp? I'd love to have a tweed deluxe, but you can't even buy a clone for less than a grand.
I have no idea what I want. Something Fender-y. Reverb and trem would be nice, but not necessary.


prbably should check the filter caps, too.
The blue beet is next door to the Perrys Pizza we used to eat at when I was 15 and taking the buss to the beach back in the day. Lots of memories :)
All i remember was a haircut place next door. :grin:

It's cool you can gig in your old stomping grounds.
All i remember was a haircut place next door. :grin:

It's cool you can gig in your old stomping grounds.

It's in the same building but down the alley.

It was burned down for a few years when I was old enough to go to bars but young enough to get into trouble so I was never a patron at the Beet but I've got about 15 years worth of playing there.
Happy Saturday.

Thursday will be 2 weeks, the limit for my time with the Wilbury. My plan was to pack it up, and ship it today. Got home from work last night, and son is spending the night at a friend's house. So I guess I'll send it off Monday. Heel is next on the list.
weekends hold much less attraction for me...for now anyway...'s arthritis has basically crippled her, so I handle all the household chores on saturdays...she's going in for her first knee replacement wednesday, so there will be several months of physical therapy before her second replacement in january...

...and apparently one of the kittens, or maybe both, have been using the bed in the spare room as a toilet...:mad:
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