That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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We got served burgers. Not bad.
Damn, two 26 foot box trucks and two 20 foot trailers plus two buses to move everything and the band.

apart from lyrics, I've just written what may be one of the better metal tunes I've ever done.

having 2 guitarists in the band has really made me rethink how I write, and I guess it comes thru in my solo stuff too.

I will have to re-do the solos though, they suck ass.
the 1st note of the 1st solo is is the 1st note of the 2nd solo.
and the last note of the 2nd.

the rest is crap.
No shit. I feel like a fucking tour with a 175 piece band!

It's nice with the food, though. They hire a catering service to come feed everyone.

I can write some melodies and riffs. Solos, forgetaboutit. With my stuff, I've been trying to change up traditional formats a bit. I like to open with a little melody line, then go into the song. No solos.
Of course it's just me, so I guess everything is a solo.

I don't really write solos, I just wing it.
I might have an idea or two, but it's usually off the cuff.

occassionally, I find a lick I'll keep in there though.

hey, anyone know anything about washing machines?
I have college football and baseball playoffs to watch all day. Then after a long grueling day doing not much of anything I have to move equipment and set up, come home, eat, watch more sports, get cleaned up and dressed and try to have the energy to play a show tonight. Then I have to break down and haul all that crap home. Probably pull into the garage and leave it til tomorrow to unload it. Oh yeah, I need to try to go searching for my medicine today and play with the dog.
I used to sell washing machines in college. What do you want to know? Just look at this beauty right here. Four wash cycles, energy star compliant and vibrates enough to keep your woman happy. :grin:

Setting up props.

Brass and percussion warming up.

Sorry. Can't help with repairing one, but let me show you this beautiful new Maytag model. We can put this baby in your house for only $49 a month. :lol:

God, that was a shit job.

not this river.
my clothes would be cleaner without it...

I got a buddy on another forum who sells appliances for a living. he's explained what the issue is, and it shouldn't be much to fix.
My kid (in uniform) after finals. We went on first.
Probably not the best thing, but at least we get to load early and go watch the rest of the show.


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