So what should I do in Paris?

OK, maybe not LOOK like a tourist (for some people), but as soon as you open your mouth, it's going to be obvious. My point is, you ARE a tourist, don't spend too much time worrying about people thinking you're a tourist. You're not really going to be able to pass as a native anyway.

Yeah. Just be a tourist. There's no points for passing. Take it from an incredibly pale weirdo who has visited Ireland and England off peak. People don't give you a high five.
whatever you not attempt to drive yourself around. have you SEEN the roadway system in Paris? :eek:

Ha..these responses are so awesome. Thanks gang.

I've been so slammed for the past couple days that I haven't been able to respond to each, but I really appreciate it.

I was young and needed the money. (this is one of my three all-time, all-situation excuses)
I know this isn't a "things to do " per se,but you will be treated much better if you don't dress like what the Europeans view as a "typical american" leave your jeans,ballcaps,Tshirts and casual shoes at home and wear collared shirts,dress pants and leather shoes. Europe is much more formal than the US in both manners and dress.
Also DON'T TIP. Many Europeans will either laugh at you( they will still take the tip but laugh at you) or get insulted and hand it back to you. I tipped a Bartender in England a few years ago and you'd have thought I had insulted his mother.