Should baseball players have to wear face shield when batting?

Somehow I think making an extra few million because you upped your batting average a few percent makes it much easier to live with being called a pussy.

Maybe so but still no one wants to be a pussy :embarrassed:

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Maybe so but still no one wants to be a pussy :embarrassed:

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Somehow I think making an extra few million because you upped your batting average a few percent makes it much easier to live with being called a pussy.

How is having a cage in front of your face going to up your average? Most likely the opposite, but still?

Because players would be wrapping their helmets in chicken wire if you could convince them it will raise their average even .050
Kids... sure
Adults... should be able to make their own decisions
I think OSHA should step in. Clearly an occupation hazard. i mean if OSAHA can mandate eyewash stations or shields on grinders then they can mandate face shield for baseball batters. i'm sure there are folks(adults) who would prefer to use a grinder without shield as it's easier to get larger objects on the grind wheel.
I think OSHA should step in. Clearly an occupation hazard. i mean if OSAHA can mandate eyewash stations or shields on grinders then they can mandate face shield for baseball batters. i'm sure there are folks(adults) who would prefer to use a grinder without shield as it's easier to get larger objects on the grind wheel.

OSAHA is there to make sure employers don’t get sued.

There are times I use a grinder without a shield. I wouldn’t sue my employer because I did something stupid.
OSAHA is there to make sure employers don’t get sued.

There are times I use a grinder without a shield. I wouldn’t sue my employer because I did something stupid.
I think football helmets should be optional !
The argument can be made that the game is more dangerous because of helmets.
or that the players are now 300 plus pounds, stronger and faster. same goes for baseball pitchers throwing harder, pitchers getting called up to fill slots sooner than they are ready because a regular is injured due to throwing harder.
Take Nascar . people now walk away from fiery crashes. In the old days they never even wore seat belts :facepalm:
How is having a cage in front of your face going to up your average? Most likely the opposite, but still?

Because players would be wrapping their helmets in chicken wire if you could convince them it will raise their average even .050
Agreed, I was making the case as to why players may not want them. Let's review:

I'm talking full face shield
Up to them really. Is there anything, league rules, etc., preventing them from wearing one if they wanted to? I suspect they don't like the glare, and just generally feel like they can see the ball better without one.
it;s like the mask thing....they would probably be made fun of or called a pussy
Somehow I think making an extra few million because you upped your batting average a few percent makes it much easier to live with being called a pussy.
Agreed, I was making the case as to why players may not want them. Let's review:
peer pressure does not discriminate bro. It doesn't care if you make 2 dollars or 2 million dollars. It also would alter the batting for sure but as long as the playing field is level then it is what it is. Without a mandate certain batters would have an advantage.
To use the mask mandate again think if it was never required. Not many stores would have taken the chance at losing customers because of being viewed 'anti choice" it would've been a peer pressure thing. With the mandate it took all those variables away and leveled the business field.
The video of the hit isn't exceptionally revealing but this interview shows the damage. Pillar was one of my fav players while he was on the Blue Jay's. Always timely hits and too many highlight reel diving catches to count. It's good that he's ok and he certainly has a good approach to recovering. It seems like he's a mentally tough guy. Physically tough? No question.

or that the players are now 300 plus pounds, stronger and faster. same goes for baseball pitchers throwing harder, pitchers getting called up to fill slots sooner than they are ready because a regular is injured due to throwing harder.
Take Nascar . people now walk away from fiery crashes. In the old days they never even wore seat belts :facepalm:

The game has adapted to helmets and pads. Football players have more concussions than rugby players. That’s a fact.
I think OSHA should step in. Clearly an occupation hazard. i mean if OSAHA can mandate eyewash stations or shields on grinders then they can mandate face shield for baseball batters. i'm sure there are folks(adults) who would prefer to use a grinder without shield as it's easier to get larger objects on the grind wheel.

OSHA mandates that employers provide PPE and first aid options, not that employees use it. So your employer has to buy you safety goggles, but no one can make you wear them. You might get something in your eye, but there’s no rule that you have to use the eye wash station.

The Springfield Isotopes need to provide you with protective gear, but league rules (not OSHA) can compel you to wear it.
OSHA mandates that employers provide PPE and first aid options, not that employees use it. So your employer has to buy you safety goggles, but no one can make you wear them. You might get something in your eye, but there’s no rule that you have to use the eye wash station.

The Springfield Isotopes need to provide you with protective gear, but league rules (not OSHA) can compel you to wear it.
if they fine your employer then you can be dern sure he is going to make you wear PPE fwiw we don't have a eyewash station, no shields on the grinder and the fire extinguisher has not been serviced in over a decade at least...i do have a full face shield and I use if when using a portable cutoff wheel tool but that's pretty much the only time
OSHA mandates that employers provide PPE and first aid options, not that employees use it. So your employer has to buy you safety goggles, but no one can make you wear them.
Maybe in Illinois but totally untrue in other states. Safety glasses are required for many activities, not merely suggested and supplied. I have written up more than one employee for violating Cal OSHA requirements, because it opens the company up to severe fines. I can guarantee that if you entered my machine shop, you'd have safety glasses on.