I was going to leave this alone, but as has been repeatedly demonstrated, I'm not great at knowing when to shut the F up.I've never really gotten that point. I work in IT, but doesn't mean the only things I know about are computers. I'm sure you are more knowledgeable in areas other than your occupation. Not too mention, actors and musicians travel the world. They see the entire world and can observe other cultures and gain more perspective than people who work a 9 to 5 and get 2 weeks off a year where they may not even leave their state. Yes, they are sometimes clueless, but just because someone is an actor or musician, doesn't mean their opinions and observations are not valid.

First off, I'll say that I don't believe that their opinions are not valid. Everyone's opinions are valid.
Regarding my lack of high respect for said opinions, I can only speak for myself, but I suspect there are some that feel the same way. What I've never understood is the near-royalty status that those in the entertainment industry (and I'd include professional athletes in that category) are granted in this country. There are TV shows, even entire TV channels, devoted to following them along with mass appeal on social media, etc. In the end, they're just doing a job. It's not an easy job, actors/actresses and athletes all work very hard to get where they are, and I respect that. However, because of their inflated status (IMO) they have much appeal and influence over those that envy their position, which also inflates the value of their opinions. To paraphrase Orwell, all opinions are valid, but some are more valid than others. Much of the Hollywood crowd seem to buy into that mantra, but I cannot, and it rubs me the wrong way when they demonstrate it.
Add to that the inappropriateness of the venue (awards show) for political discussion, as I have already expressed, and maybe you can understand my point of view. Perhaps my view of celebrities is overly harsh. I dunno, it's just my valid, or invalid, opinion.