Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

If there's one thing better than jetting off on holiday, it's doing it when the weather is honking over here :embarrassed:
Morning all :Wave:

Not a great start to the day; boiler seems to have packed up and we have no hot water. I'm seriously regretting last night's epic curry making.
They are practicing the commonwealth games opening ceremony next to my house

I'm no expert, but it appears to be a complete shambles
Suarez is a cnut.

If Arsenal had signed him (review beginning of last season) I'd have become a Tottingham fan.

O and hai :Wave:

It's been a while :wink:

Apart from Acadia :love:, I bet none of you wankers even noticed I hadn't been here :cry:
No, you've been missed, , that avatar of yours is quite memorable. Who is that again by the way? Sure you've said before but I can't remember.
Hi all

I missed you Jon because I'm in love with you. No hang on, no thats right, its your avatar I'm in love with. Knew it was something like that.

As for the football, apparently the Uruguayan President has called FIFA a 'load of bitches' or something. I agree with him though I think we'd disagree on Suarez. Why do certain people see something different to what I see? Which is clearly a bite from a dickhead.

Anyway, glad Holland got through, a couple of well deserved goals there. Hop Holland!!!! (or something like that, ask Wok)
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Fair play to these commonwealth games gadges, they are still practicing now and I can see a good improvement. Not North Korea levels of synchronisation but it's getting better

I just wrote a sms to a friend who's dog had ran off with a dead pigeon. I tried to spell it pidgeon. My phone kept correcting me.

Im 100% sure I learnt 'pidgeon' as the correct spelling. Bloody phones.

Thanks for listening.
A few years back I saw a nearly dead seagull lying struggling on the beach. I decided to play God and relieve it of its pain.

Little did I know its hard to kill a seagull by breaking its neck. I looked like a complete and utter dickhead trying to bend the poor seagulls neck and head all over the place. My wife and friends we were with were just watching me, shocked.

I did manage to kill it in the end but it was a bit embarrassing, to say the least.

Fucking Die Hard seagulls.
noon all :Wave:

I'm sure that I have previously made it clear here that I'm not much of a footy fan, but I watched the second half and extra time of last night's game and found it to be great entertainment (for a disinterested spectator, at least).