Train to Scotland tonight, funeral tomorrow, train back to Laandaaan tomorrow evening then flying to Spain on Friday. The joys of modern travel are a first world problem
So I turned up for a shift in a new school yesterday and they made me sit down and do an interview before letting me near a class :rolleyes: Apparently jumping through all of the hoops at local authority level just isn't enough when you have some arsehole with a dictator complex to deal with.
Had my yearly "interview" for the authority I usually work with this morning which is essentially a wasted 10 minutes filling out an application, a wasted half an hour doing the interview and a wasted 3 minutes reading the token "Dear JBJ, congratulations you have been successful in the interview, if and when any jobs arise you'll get one." I have 4 of these now
But I digress. Can't remember if I mentioned this but after a few sherries I bought myself a hammock late last Thursday night. It came on Tuesday and I got to set it up and test it for 5 minutes before getting back tot he marking grind. It's rained pretty much constantly since yesterday morning so the thing is now fecking soaking and probably no use until Monday if it stays dry
My neighbours must think I'm a maniac - last Saturday it was pretty nice out so I launched one of my giant bean bags out of the upstairs window into th egarden and bunkered down for the day