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Afternoon bitches/

More Scottish Power shennanigans :facepalm: Going to do some yoga to destress :embarrassed:

So who here is a definitely / strong possibility for JBJ stock? I don't mind if none of you want to come out and play with me :'( but I'd rather know than start planning shit and turning down gigs.
Afternoon bitches/

More Scottish Power shennanigans :facepalm: Going to do some yoga to destress :embarrassed:

So who here is a definitely / strong possibility for JBJ stock? I don't mind if none of you want to come out and play with me :'( but I'd rather know than start planning shit and turning down gigs.

I am up for it :rawk:
Noon all :Wave:

So who here is a definitely / strong possibility for JBJ stock? I don't mind if none of you want to come out and play with me :'( but I'd rather know than start planning shit and turning down gigs.
If there were a few of us, I'd be very much up for the idea, although my actual playing contribution may not be massive (my enthusiasm outweighs my talent by some margin). But.... not during the cricket season (Apr-Sept).
So who here is a definitely / strong possibility for JBJ stock? I don't mind if none of you want to come out and play with me :'( but I'd rather know than start planning shit and turning down gigs.

I'm interested but being the other end of the country makes it unlikely as trains or driving pretty much make it a 3 day trip which isn't going to work with my home situation at present. Could fly from Bristol with EasyJet but they are apparently not good about taking guitars on as hand luggage and I'm not putting one in the hold. Neither train or plane is particularly cheap either, putting petrol in the car is probably actually the least expensive option.

Apologies, but count me out unless the situation changes.
By that time Scotland may be a different country and as i don't want to get internally searched at the border I'm going to have to say no.
noon, stop & searchers :Wave:

it's quiet in here, everyone off for REFRESHING CONTINENTAL LAGER BEERS already? :confused:
Mmmmm refreshing continental marks and sparks hazelnut liquer white russian lager beers :embarrassed:
Actually I've been drinking so much REFRESHING LAGER BEER lately I'm starting to get sick of it. Won't let that put me off though :embarrassed:
Morning all.

Bloody builders have started digging up the road outside my work this morning and every time the caterpillar tracked thing goes past, the whole building bloody shakes. Going to be a long ten days... :mad:
Morning sleeping comet chasers

It is quite a mystery, how so many politicians get to where they are before someone realizes that in reality, they're idiotic fuckwits.

I can only assume its due to lack of interest from anyone that just lets them progress.
noon, jobless migrants :Wave:
Morning UKIP voters :Wave:

Nice to see my local(-ish) UKIP councillor has some very reasonable and believable views about the recent storms and subsequent flooding... :facepalm:

Where do they get these fucking idiots?

same place where they find who use phrases like 'Bongo Bongo land' and who call women who have never cleaned behind the fridge 'sluts' :facepalm:

Nice to see no effort has to be made to discredit Ukip, they are fully capable themselves of making them look like idiots :grin:

And this guy has a position of responsibility in the community?