Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

@wok - good luck sorting that out.

If your ex is the mother of your child and allowing you daily access to see your kid, then inevitably there has to be a level of "consideration", particularly when you've just recently split up. Wok does have a right to move on and see other people, just needs to make sure he's not rubbing his ex's nose in it, be that accidently or otherwise.

I totally missed this post. I do agree that there needs to be a level of consideration. I tried my best to be discrete about it, but something just went a bit wrong. Definitely not a case of rubbing anyone's nose in it.

But yeah, these things can easily get messy.

But enough drama now
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In meantime, it's results day for my son tomorrow so fingers crossed for him. I've got the rest of the week off in case shit happens and we have to get into an argument with the college about what courses he can do.

How'd it go, Gorgon?

I had a gig last night that. Turns out one of my ex pupils is a 2nd cousin or some such of the bride (who was from Virginia :shrug: ) :grin: :facepalm:

Just been up on fixing my gutter which was leaking and has been for the past forever. I'm much better at that than painting :embarrassed:
I picked up No Man's Sky on sale last week, I saw it was on my GF's Steam wishlist. Long story short, I think I've lost access to my desktop/hackingtosh during the evening :embarrassed:

Also, with the football team we managed to win the first match of the season 3 matchdays before the season ends :embarrassed:
So, went to watch closing fireworks in Edinburgh last night, with erm... a certain lady.

Was awesome and made me realise how much I miss living in Edinburgh. So I am considering moving back to the city in a while.

Meanwhile I decided that it wasnt the best thing to do to have a new person in my life whilst still being in my old house, so I am staying in a friend's house until I can move in on Friday :embarrassed:
Hello all :Wave:

Best of luck with everything, wok.

As for us, our situation is complicated by the whole visa thing. So far we've told the Home Office we've separated and the wife has applied for a new visa as a parent of British kids. NO idea if they're going to grant it (I'd say the chances are about 50/50). We can't really make any other decisions (like about who's living where) until we know she's got the visa, cos we've no idea if she will still even be living in the UK in a couple of months, and if she's not, what will happen with the kids. Bit stressful, tbh.
Hello all :Wave:

Best of luck with everything, wok.

As for us, our situation is complicated by the whole visa thing. So far we've told the Home Office we've separated and the wife has applied for a new visa as a parent of British kids. NO idea if they're going to grant it (I'd say the chances are about 50/50). We can't really make any other decisions (like about who's living where) until we know she's got the visa, cos we've no idea if she will still even be living in the UK in a couple of months, and if she's not, what will happen with the kids. Bit stressful, tbh.

Hello all :Wave:

Best of luck with everything, wok.

As for us, our situation is complicated by the whole visa thing. So far we've told the Home Office we've separated and the wife has applied for a new visa as a parent of British kids. NO idea if they're going to grant it (I'd say the chances are about 50/50). We can't really make any other decisions (like about who's living where) until we know she's got the visa, cos we've no idea if she will still even be living in the UK in a couple of months, and if she's not, what will happen with the kids. Bit stressful, tbh.

Shit man, hope things work out
mojo, certainly sounds stressful as fuck

The only stressful thing I've had to deal with recently are shit internet connections, aggressive sheep and belligerent locals as I'm on my annual holibobs to various scottish islands. Currently on the isle of scalpay just off Harris. Been mincing around Skye and Lewis too, taking in some sights, taking some pictures and eating a fair bit :tongue:orker:

tempted to do a pictorial thread to bore people with rather than dump a bunch into the photography thread
Morning all. wave0

Off to see Rhod Gilbert and friends tonight in Cardiff. Should be be a good night and well needed at the moment.

Hope you all have a decent weekend.
Worst day ever. A car crash in more than one ways.


First I had a minor car crash, which is going to cost me. This also means I have to postpone plans to move to Edinburgh.

Second I screwed things up with new now-no-longer-girlfriend. My own fault, but no way back.

From summer of love to autumn misery :cry:
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Worst day ever. A car crash in more than one ways.


First I had a minor car crash, which is going to cost me. This also means I have to postpone plans to move to Edinburgh.

Second I screwed things up with new now-no-longer-girlfriend. My own fault, but no way back.

From summer of love to autumn misery :cry:

At least there's a couple of good aggro-metal songs in there. :embarrassed:
Mojo mate. All of a sudden my 2 bottles of wine and a couple of beers induced Saturday morning of shite doesn't seem too bad.