Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

Still not a citizen. I'm on the books as a Britisher varkenhond expat, which I do need to change before Blighty does any Brexiting I might regret.

ah I see. We're opposites then

ps I have no intention of becoming a Brit/Scot :embarrassed:
Guess who left a bag with 400 quid worth of lights in a hotel car park in Stirling on Friday :facepalm: Luckilly I was in Aberdeenshire gigging last night so swung by en route to pick them up again.
Ill @ home:day 2


Beterschap :)

I should start taking my MA a bit less serious. I'm used to having few assignments and working on every minute detail for ages. Here they don't really seem to give a shit, presentations are announced two days in advance, assignments need to be done within a day.

And I'm stupid enough to keep up my old standard of making fancy stuff :facepalm: So now I spent hours on assignments that they want you to spend 30 minutes on leaving me with no time to sleep...
I'm coming down with mankykidswhotouchandlickeverythingitis just in time for my holiday. :mad: