Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

When you create your own majority by giving voting status and a paycheck to every rock with a bit of grass on it, it's pretty hard to lose. Despicable. I hope Platini follows through on all these threats of UEFA boycotting FIFA.
When you create your own majority by giving voting status and a paycheck to every rock with a bit of grass on it, it's pretty hard to lose. Despicable. I hope Platini follows through on all these threats of UEFA boycotting FIFA.

The general secretary of the Norwegian FA has backed Platini on this, I suspect most Euro countries will as well, hopefully others follow. Things are getting really ugly now.

The incredible thing is the entire world knows that prick is corrupt as fuck and yet he's managed to escape every accusation. Sneaky motherfucker.

At least this time someone had the balls to run against him in the elections. The last few times they've magically withdrawn just before the elections....the Putin comparisons aren't exaggerated. And guess who's hosting the next World Cup.
Blatter's the head of the f*cking Illuminati I tell you. No other way he could get away with this shit, this long.
The FIFA executives who have been arrested are a bag of rats. They'll bring the whole house of cards down. One guy turned and worked with the FBI. Imagine what's going to happen now they have 14 of them. FIFA's last hope was to kick Blatter out today and they missed it. Goodbye Sepp, good riddance FIFA. cop0
:Wave: afternoon chaps.

Had a good weekend? Mine was kind of dull, went to see some presentations on interactive media projects currently in development, they were quite disappointing. Rest of the weekend was spent hanging in the sun, forgetting the time and watching the clock realising it's 1 at night and still light :embarrassed:
Has anyone seen Acadia? Apparently there's a day off in Germany this Thursday. I thought he should know.

And not only that but I bought a new fridge/freezer on Saturday which will be delivered today.

Thats right, I'm living the dream
Morning all :Wave:

We had a great weekend too. A bunch of (mostly) old university friends from over thirty years ago got together and rented this place.

A good time was had by all. :)