Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

I went for a few pints earlier and as I wandered home I had an idea for a novel based on getting these cretins to smash each other to death with toasters :grin:

Include a few bottles of Bucky and ypu have your usual Glasgow Friday night :embarrassed:
Include a few bottles of Bucky and ypu have your usual Glasgow Friday night :embarrassed:

My protagonist drinks Guinness :mad:

Actually started writing something. I'm sure when I read it back in the sober light of day it will be absolute shit :grin:
Good weekends all around? Mine was pretty awesome, party on friday (I bailed halfway through, I was destroyed...), dinner at some friends yesterday and a day of working and an evening of playing computergames today. Good times.
Morning all.

@Acadiafall - they do say ignorance is bliss. :wink:

Weekend was pretty good, took the family to London for the weekend. Visited the Brick Show with son on Saturday (lots of Lego basically), and did some Xmas shopping stuff in Oxford Street on Sunday.
afternoon, sorry footballers :lol:

"Be like Mario, he's an Italian plumber, created by Japanese people, who speaks English and looks like a Mexican."

It finished: "He jumps like a black man and grabs coins like a Jew."

:facepalm: :lol:
Cultural imperialism ftl! The 'muricans will regret it though. Consider how the Britons took their rock music and made i better! And that was just the beginning.

Morning all

TFI Indeed, been quite a busy week here.

I was thinking about going into the city centre Christmas shopping on my way home from work but I bet its packed. So maybe not. Decisions decisions.

I usually end up buying myself something anyway rather than all the scroungers I need to buy presents for.