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That worked :thu:

Who is she though?

I also just read that whatsherface from Harry Potter has dirty photos that hackers will release on Friday. Ha!

Im amazed that so many 'celebrities' actually take nudey photos and even more surprised that they store them in the 'cloud'.

Rachel Hurd-Wood. She was in 'Perfume'.

And yes, sometimes celebrities are just like normal people :tongue:
Im normal. I don't use any 'clouds' for anything. If someone wants to see my lovely body they'll have to hack the good old fashioned memory on my phone.

These young ladies must know that they may be targeted.
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Morning all. Personally not into the taking nudey photos thing but each to their own.

People are free to do what they like (as they should be) and this stuff should be private but they have to realise that the world is full of c*nts and some little prick is going to hack in and nick stuff at some point. Unfortunately not everyone has a moral compass that points to what would be termed civilised behaviour.
I should point out that if anyone were to hack my phone they'd find no photos of me at all. Just family, kids playing etc, very boring indeed.
I'll shorten my earlier comment: The world is full of c*nts and some little prick is going to nick stuff at some point. Unfortunately not everyone has a moral compass that points to what would be termed civilised behaviour.

I went to see them on their last tour :)

With my wife and four of her mates. I wouldn't choose to go to such concerts but being dragged along was fine by me. It was actually quite good.

'Let it shiiiiiiiiiiiiiine' etc
Morning all. :Wave:

Are we convinced that this twat is for real? Must'ave cash :shrug:
