Post your local Pizza specialty from your region

Detroit style pizza is a deep dish square pizza. Currently my favorite pizza style.

On my side of Michigan, we have a family owned chain that specializes in a thin, cracker crust that is delicious, though not always suited to a pizza craving.

Never had it, but there is one near Kalamazoo. I should try it one of these days :)
Here’s a crime against pizza native to the upper Midwest.


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Pizza crust. Taco sauce. Taco flavored ground beef. Maybe some diced/sliced canned chilies. Some sort of yellow cheese blend. Bake. Top it all off with lettuce, tomatoes, black olives, and more cheese. Serve it with a side of salsa and/or sour cream.

You can find it all over the Chicago suburbs—local “Hey, this sauce is really sweet” chain Aurelio’s being a prime culprit.

Taco flavored ground beef??

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Taco flavored ground beef??

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Is this, perhaps, the ultimate expression of Midwestern American cultural appropriation?


Taco nite tacos are ‘Murricah on the hard shell. I had to post this so that costal elites like LA Ricky are woke to the transformative possibilities of salt and cumin.
Taco nite tacos are ‘Murricah on the hard shell. I had to post this so that costal elites like LA Ricky are woke to the transformative possibilities of salt and cumin.

Hard shell? I can't recall the last time I had a taco that wasn't in a hot corn tortilla...