post a guitar from your childhood that you used to GAS for


Kick Henry Jackassowski
and did you ever end up getting it?

here's one that I used to love!!! I remember walking into Sam Ash when I was 9 years old and I remember wanting this guitar. I never got this exact model, but I have owned 2 Jems before...


i'd love to have this now, but they are pretty freakin rare
I'd like to have a P-90 goldtop someday. From the time i really looked at electric guitars, i always thought they were beautiful.
I always wanted a "proper" Stratocaster..I've had a few now :)..still in love with them.
When I was a whippersnapper, I wanted something like this, but in green.
For me, a Les Paul. I've since owned 6 of them, and decided it's just not my guitar. I love the way they sound when other people play them...
I'm sure I went through phases of wanting the neon colored SuperStrats, but I also know I wanted a LP from the time I started playing guitar.

I finally got one about 3 years ago.
I really wanted an Ovation Elite - or whatever the model name was then. Partly because it looked so cool and partly because Heart used them in the late 70's and I really liked Heart's music from that era.


When the time came to finally get an good acoustic, I played an Elite and just didn't like the acoustic tone. They play great, but I don't like the sound. So I have never owned one...

That's not mine, and mine is the LTD version, but it's not the pointy one they make now. There were lots of guitars I loved, but when I was 14 I wanted to be James Hetfield... finally got one of these about 3 years ago at a pawn shoppe! :love:

Never got one. Wouldn't have to be Gibson either. Just a nice LP Custom/ Copy that I could do that with. Oh yeah I'm old enough now and know that I don't like middle pickups. So ditch that too.
In the late 60s I also wanted a Stratocaster. They were way expensive in Sweden at that time so I ended up with a black Hagström III instead. Nice to play with its small neck, but the pickups and the trem were useless. Sold it in the early 70s, when I finally found a good and affordable -65 Strat.
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Thanks to these two gentlemen I always wanted a sunburst Les Paul.



And happily, I have one :love:


I can't pull off the low slung look quite so well though :embarrassed: