Pets of Wein

Arthur got snipped Tuesday. He only got one pain pill. This guy is insane. By yesterday morning he was frolicking around like he's 2 months old again. Scar is looking great and we didn't even have to cone him.
A friend is staying over this weekend so we took Lola a walk so he could see our new house. I can't wait until she has a bigger garden to run around in.

She's staying over with one of the staff from her daycare tomorrow.

I'm sure she'll be fine (and I'll be drunk at the football so won't care by that point if there are any issues :embarrassed: ) but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous for her.
Hey! what’s your name!
By all accounts Lola had a lovely stay at the ladies house.

Ate all of her food, got on ok with the woman's own dog and got super attached to her fiance. Was sent this photo around 8pm if her totally vegged out.

We're picking her up from daycare in the next few hours, I hope she remembers us :embarrassed:

Is teh catnip good stuff? I heard it's kinda like weed for cats :shrug: I was thinking about getting some for the shop cat but I don't want to turn her into a doper
Some cats will eat it and others flop around on it.
Have an appointment to have our cat, Hamilton, euthanized today. He's 15, and he's been getting thin lately - we changed foods and thought he was getting better, but today he can't stand up without obvious effort, and was unable to lift his back legs high enough to get in the litter box. This pic is from before he started dropping weight - in a matter of a couple weeks he's become skin and bones.

Have an appointment to have our cat, Hamilton, euthanized today. He's 15, and he's been getting thin lately - we changed foods and thought he was getting better, but today he can't stand up without obvious effort, and was unable to lift his back legs high enough to get in the litter box. This pic is from before he started dropping weight - in a matter of a couple weeks he's become skin and bones.

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Have an appointment to have our cat, Hamilton, euthanized today. He's 15, and he's been getting thin lately - we changed foods and thought he was getting better, but today he can't stand up without obvious effort, and was unable to lift his back legs high enough to get in the litter box. This pic is from before he started dropping weight - in a matter of a couple weeks he's become skin and bones.

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We all know how painful it is to lose a long time companion. Hamilton had 15 years of a good life, thanks to you.