OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Sadly, there are no liberals in the US Presidential race, just a republican and a neofascist.
Liberal-conservative and Democrat-Republican are continuums on two different planes. HRC is a Democrat, because she is registered to vote as a Democrat, has served as a Democrat, and was nominated by the Democratic Party. Is she a liberal? She is the most liberal major party candidate running for president this year. On a global political scale, she's probably a centrist. Is she a progressive? I'd say, given the starting point (present day America), her platform is progressive.
Liberal-conservative and Democrat-Republican are continuums on two different planes. HRC is a Democrat, because she is registered to vote as a Democrat, has served as a Democrat, and was nominated by the Democratic Party. Is she a liberal? She is the most liberal major party candidate running for president this year. On a global political scale, she's probably a centrist. Is she a progressive? I'd say, given the starting point (present day America), her platform is progressive.

Liberal-conservative and Democrat-Republican are continuums on two different planes. HRC is a Democrat, because she is registered to vote as a Democrat, has served as a Democrat, and was nominated by the Democratic Party.

If Debbie Wasserman-Schultz handed you a parfait glass full of dog shit and a spoon and told you it was chocolate ice cream, would you eat it? This assumes you like chocolate ice cream in the first place, or course.

she a liberal? She is the most liberal major party candidate running for president this year. On a global political scale, she's probably a centrist. Is she a progressive? I'd say, given the starting point (present day America), her platform is progressive.

Ronald Reagan was a liberal compared to the knuckle-draggers over at the GOP today, so that's kind of a low bar. A more accurate yardstick for liberalism might be FDR, a test Clinton would fail badly.

Easy choice.

Indeed, but so is the choice between being shot in both kneecaps or being beheaded. That doesn't mean you have to be happy about your choice.
Fringe liberals complain that they can't get a foot in the door politically whilst engaging in laughably outrageous hyperbole. It's fascinating to behold. Somewhat akin to a 16 year old complaining that Daddy won't let themdrive the Porsche because Daddy hates them.

Daddy doesn't hate you, he just knows you're gonna put it in the ditch. Jump in the passenger seat, buckle up and daddy will take you for a ride to the ice cream parlor. Even let you control the stereo! Or you could just take the train to the re-education camp...there might be ice cream there too.
Ronald Reagan was a liberal compared to the knuckle-draggers over at the GOP today, so that's kind of a low bar. A more accurate yardstick for liberalism might be FDR, a test Clinton would fail badly.

I'm pretty sure HRC is in favor of integrating the military, so she's got that going over FDR in terms of being progressive.
If Debbie Wasserman-Schultz handed you a parfait glass full of dog shit and a spoon and told you it was chocolate ice cream, would you eat it? This assumes you like chocolate ice cream in the first place, or course.

Ronald Reagan was a liberal compared to the knuckle-draggers over at the GOP today, so that's kind of a low bar. A more accurate yardstick for liberalism might be FDR, a test Clinton would fail badly.

Indeed, but so is the choice between being shot in both kneecaps or being beheaded. That doesn't mean you have to be happy about your choice.
I can't wait to see DWS's face when she loses her seat to a Bernie-backed Democrat.

Reagan was a good president, but nothing the GOP says about him is true. Irony...

Compared to Obama, Hillary is definitely a slide to the right, but hopefully she brings with her a more left-leaning Congress so we all slide to the left.
The mental gymnastics of moderate Democrats (what we used to call "Republicans") are fascinating to behold. The GOP still has the market cornered on cognitive dissonance of course, but the willful ignorance of Hillary supporters is still impressive. The way they can somehow cling to the fiction that a pro-war, pro-corporate, obviously corrupt oligarch is in any way a "liberal" while denigrating those who support actual liberal values as "fringe" elements illustrates how effective the GOP's campaign to eradicate liberalism has been.

Much ink has been spilled describing the slide of the GOP into neofascism, but what has gone unnoticed is how the modern DNC has drifted almost imperceptibly into the GOP's vacuum to become the conservative party in American politics. Hillary Clinton's election will mark the victory of conservatism over liberalism in an Orwellian re-alignment of the American political spectrum. And still the smug mainstream Democrats clamp their hands over their ears and eyes and chant "I'M WITH HER!" as they march in lockstep away from the ideals of FDR to embrace Reaganism as the new Liberalism.
Lincoln didn't integrate the military either, so is Hillary more of a progressive than him as well?
I don't think anyone in Lincoln's cabinet considered it a possibility. FDR, on the other hand, had someone sharing a bed AND attending all of his family reunions who continued to tell him it had to happen.
The mental gymnastics of moderate Democrats (what we used to call "Republicans") are fascinating to behold. The GOP still has the market cornered on cognitive dissonance of course, but the willful ignorance of Hillary supporters is still impressive. The way they can somehow cling to the fiction that a pro-war, pro-corporate, obviously corrupt oligarch is in any way a "liberal" while denigrating those who support actual liberal values as "fringe" elements illustrates how effective the GOP's campaign to eradicate liberalism has been.

Much ink has been spilled describing the slide of the GOP into neofascism, but what has gone unnoticed is how the modern DNC has drifted almost imperceptibly into the GOP's vacuum to become the conservative party in American politics. Hillary Clinton's election will mark the victory of conservatism over liberalism in an Orwellian re-alignment of the American political spectrum. And still the smug mainstream Democrats clamp their hands over their ears and eyes and chant "I'M WITH HER!" as they march in lockstep away from the ideals of FDR to embrace Reaganism as the new Liberalism.

211 pages in this thread. If you can find any self-avowed Democrat, like myself, referring to Hillary as a "liberal" anywhere within it, I'll eat my shoe.

Sanders, whom I voted for, is by far the farthest left candidate to have a national impact in my lifetime. Also, inflexible leftist ideology has terrifying consequences...Nader 2000. So dry your tears, put your admirable and progressive ideals in practice at the state and local level and do right by your nation and your party this November. And you will...
Hillary won the 2016 Democratic party nomination in 2008 as soon as Obama won the potus election.

Hillary then won the 2016 potus election as soon as the GOP nominees were revealed.

We can pretend otherwise, out of fear, various "mental gymnastics" as the kids like to say, or some false hope of actual democracy, but somewhere in our being we all know it to be true.

If Joe Bidens son doesn't die of brain cancer, Biden likely runs and beats Hillary with ease. No gymnastics required to reach that conclusion.
1. Bleed the GOP; that level is conservatism is disgraceful for the 21st century.

2. Create a new left-wing party at a state and local level.

3. Let the Democrats be the conservatives.
I don't think anyone in Lincoln's cabinet considered it a possibility. FDR, on the other hand, had someone sharing a bed AND attending all of his family reunions who continued to tell him it had to happen.

It may be noted that FDR dealt with some of the greatest challenges any American president has ever faced, and did so in a way that defined liberal/progressivism for the next 50 years. He was not perfect (just ask George Takei) but when taken in total FDR's progressive legacy is unmatched.

Truman ultimately integrated the armed forces after the war, but even still it took a decade to enforce. Regardless of FDR's personal feelings on the matter, the military was barely functional in the 1930s due to budget cuts stemming from the Depression, and had much larger problems to contend with in the early 1940s.

211 pages in this thread. If you can find any self-avowed Democrat, like myself, referring to Hillary as a "liberal" anywhere within it, I'll eat my shoe.

Barely 90 minutes ago-
Is she a liberal? She is the most liberal major party candidate running for president this year. On a global political scale, she's probably a centrist. Is she a progressive? I'd say, given the starting point (present day America), her platform is progressive.

And the MWGL forum is a microcosm- there are plenty of Hillary flacks out there touting her "liberal" agenda, often as a cleanup effort to get Sanders supporters on the train.

Sanders, whom I voted for, is by far the farthest left candidate to have a national impact in my lifetime. Also, inflexible leftist ideology has terrifying consequences...Nader 2000. So dry your tears, put your admirable and progressive ideals in practice at the state and local level and do right by your nation and your party this November. And you will...

Blaming Nader for Gore's defeat is a red herring- a partisan Supreme court ultimately installed GWB in spite of overwhelming evidence that Gore had actually won Florida. And, if a third party candidate like Nader could derail a VP coming from a hugely popular administration, maybe the real problem was Gore running a shitty campaign.

As for "inflexible," I would turn that around- it's been the "go-along-to-get-along" moral flexibility of the Democratic party as a whole abandoning their core principles in a vain attempt to win elections in the short term and attract corporate donations that has led to the party's slide into 1980s Republicanism. This is why I registered "UNA" during the Clinton administration (in my state I still get to vote in primaries as a UNA).

I am quite familiar with tactical voting, thank you- been doing it for 20 years. Sanders reminded us all how far the Democratic party has fallen- the question remains, what will we do about it? Just accept Clinton as the best we're ever going to get and turn our backs on FDR, or fight to reclaim liberalism? We do agree on one thing- state and local voting is critical, and often overlooked.
1. Bleed the GOP; that level is conservatism is disgraceful for the 21st century.

That's why I encourage non-Trump republicans (and even Democrats in deep red states) to vote for Gary Johnson. If the libertarian party can qualify for matching funds and get a place at the debates, it'll be a game-changer.

2. Create a new left-wing party at a state and local level.

I'm curious what Sanders' future plans are.
That's why I encourage non-Trump republicans (and even Democrats in deep red states) to vote for Gary Johnson. If the libertarian party can qualify for matching funds and get a place at the debates, it'll be a game-changer.

I understand the strategy, but libertarianism isn't something that I could ever support.
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