OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I took 3 years of Spanish and worked in a restaurant where most of the people spoke it. I think I could easily become fluent if I was there. Plus there are apps now that translate on the fly for you until you get the language down.

I hear Costa Rica is a great place for old white dudes who wanna lounge around and strum guitars.
I really don't feel the need to flee anywhere. I feel plenty safe & have the luxury of living in communities that are not plagued by violence/street/drug crime. As a middle class middle age white dude, I have it pretty good.

The target on our backs is getting bigger though. With a lot of people feeling fear and hatred right now, it's more likely that violence will spread to currently safe communities. It may not be coming from traditional criminals either (as we're seeing in recent weeks). Drugs are insidious and have seeped into pretty much every nook and cranny in the U.S. and as use grows related crime will follow.

But that's just me being down on the U.S. of late. Gun enthusiasts won't concede an inch of even trying to make it harder for criminals, the seemingly mentally ill, and people being investigated for terrorist ties to get guns. And law enforcement has not accountability for killing people regardless of whether or not they are armed (let alone if their arms are legal). It's a fucked up situation wherein it's apparently okay for children, presumed homosexuals, or people that are sadly associated (if even tangentially) with mentally ill people who have guns to die en masse OR for cops to kill black men with little or even no cause. Because nothing has been to change anything. Not a single measure to try and prevent any of these things from happening again. Just political posturing by the majority in Congress and like it or not, we all know who's running both houses.

Fuck. I'm out...of this discussion, that is. I hope everyone and their family and friends are okay.
The target on our backs is getting bigger though. With a lot of people feeling fear and hatred right now, it's more likely that violence will spread to currently safe communities. It may not be coming from traditional criminals either (as we're seeing in recent weeks). Drugs are insidious and have seeped into pretty much every nook and cranny in the U.S. and as use grows related crime will follow.

But that's just me being down on the U.S. of late. Gun enthusiasts won't concede an inch of even trying to make it harder for criminals, the seemingly mentally ill, and people being investigated for terrorist ties to get guns. And law enforcement has not accountability for killing people regardless of whether or not they are armed (let alone if their arms are legal). It's a fucked up situation wherein it's apparently okay for children, presumed homosexuals, or people that are sadly associated (if even tangentially) with mentally ill people who have guns to die en masse OR for cops to kill black men with little or even no cause. Because nothing has been to change anything. Not a single measure to try and prevent any of these things from happening again. Just political posturing by the majority in Congress and like it or not, we all know who's running both houses.

Fuck. I'm out...of this discussion, that is. I hope everyone and their family and friends are okay.

I read this as "It's fucked up for... presumed homosexuals... to have guns" and had to do a double take.
The target on our backs is getting bigger though. With a lot of people feeling fear and hatred right now, it's more likely that violence will spread to currently safe communities. It may not be coming from traditional criminals either (as we're seeing in recent weeks). Drugs are insidious and have seeped into pretty much every nook and cranny in the U.S. and as use grows related crime will follow.

But that's just me being down on the U.S. of late. Gun enthusiasts won't concede an inch of even trying to make it harder for criminals, the seemingly mentally ill, and people being investigated for terrorist ties to get guns. And law enforcement has not accountability for killing people regardless of whether or not they are armed (let alone if their arms are legal). It's a fucked up situation wherein it's apparently okay for children, presumed homosexuals, or people that are sadly associated (if even tangentially) with mentally ill people who have guns to die en masse OR for cops to kill black men with little or even no cause. Because nothing has been to change anything. Not a single measure to try and prevent any of these things from happening again. Just political posturing by the majority in Congress and like it or not, we all know who's running both houses.

Fuck. I'm out...of this discussion, that is. I hope everyone and their family and friends are okay.

I agree with all of that and I'll add that it scares me that Trump has the support he does. All of his hate speech, him mocking the journalist it really scares me how many people are ok with that. If he was just some talking head or a comedian or something that would be one thing, but is about to get one of our 2 major parties nomination for president.

I'm not saying Clinton is perfect, but I don't fear Muslims getting pulled out of their homes and beaten by angry mobs if she wins.
As one that grew up in the 60's, I remember a lot of chaos and turmoil throughout that decade. Riots, protests, an ongoing war, racism, etc, were always being reported on TV and that was without today's 24 hr news cycle. It's really beginning to feel like we're returning to a similar era. Maybe the human race just has to go slightly insane every 50 years. :shrug:
...but on a more humorous note.

As one that grew up in the 60's, I remember a lot of chaos and turmoil throughout that decade. Riots, protests, an ongoing war, racism, etc, were always being reported on TV and that was without today's 24 hr news cycle. It's really beginning to feel like we're returning to a similar era. Maybe the human race just has to go slightly insane every 50 years. :shrug:

More likely, we ignore the lessons of the past, and repeat them generationally.
I ran sound for a small blues festival last night. The dichotomy between what I was experiencing in real life and what I was reading on my phone while fully integrated bands of white and African American musicians made music together was a bit mind bending.

Yeah the Muscle Shoals documentary was a good example of that too. It's something about musicians, we are pretty colorblind.
Yeah the Muscle Shoals documentary was a good example of that too. It's something about musicians, we are pretty colorblind.
For the most part. But musicians have to deal with individuals in the real world based on their actions, accomplishments, failures and reactions. It's amazing how color and race don't matter when you work on that level.

And the other thing is that children don't know anything different until they are taught racism by their families.
Yeah the Muscle Shoals documentary was a good example of that too. It's something about musicians, we are pretty colorblind.

There's a great documentary about Stax called Respect Yourself.

Hearing Steve Cropper relate how they went from colorblind to "Hey, what's the white guy doing here?" after MLK got shot is really sad.
There's a great documentary about Stax called Respect Yourself.

Hearing Steve Cropper relate how they went from colorblind to "Hey, what's the white guy doing here?" after MLK got shot is really sad.

I'd love to see that. Is on Netflix?

Not the white guy part, just a Stax documentary.
I'd love to see that. Is on Netflix?

Not the white guy part, just a Stax documentary.

I'm not sure. I own an actual copy. I'll put it on for people if they've never seen it, but usually manage to sneak out to do some dishes or something when all that shit goes down and Al Bell takes over.
I'm not sure. I own an actual copy. I'll put it on for people if they've never seen it, but usually manage to sneak out to do some dishes or something when all that shit goes down and Albert Bell takes over.

What do you have against bat corking?
I agree with all of that and I'll add that it scares me that Trump has the support he does. All of his hate speech, him mocking the journalist it really scares me how many people are ok with that. If he was just some talking head or a comedian or something that would be one thing, but is about to get one of our 2 major parties nomination for president.

I'm not saying Clinton is perfect, but I don't fear Muslims getting pulled out of their homes and beaten by angry mobs if she wins.

Sadly, it could still happen if she wins. The folks that are particularly vehement in their support of Trump and his most outrageous prejudicial and xenophobic statements, now feel like they can freely express their hatred. There's little if anything that can guarantee to stop that from escalating regardless of results of the election.

Have any of you folks watched the UK show Fresh Meat? There's a scene in the last episode of season three (which I believe was filmed in 2012 or 13) where two of the cast members are running for union president at their Uni and one is trying to get people to dislike her so her friend can win. She keeps spewing awful ideas and getting cheers. It's only until she goes on a homophobic rant (as suggested by the friend that she's trying to help) that people eventually boo her. We just watched it yesterday and it seemed to eerily foreshadow our current Presidential race. From the beginning of his campaign I didn't think Trump really wanted the job and always got the feeling that he was going on these rants in an effort to lose the candidacy. However, instead of people dismissing him they kept cheering for him until he couldn't back out...lest he be dubbed a "loser".
I just shook the hand of a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corp (3 up, 1 down) matter what the political climate or how you feel about this country or the way it's governed we can never honor the men and women who don the uniform and serve enough...

That's all I have to say about that...
I just shook the hand of a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corp (3 up, 1 down) matter what the political climate or how you feel about this country or the way it's governed we can never honor the men and women who don the uniform and serve enough...

That's all I have to say about that...

I feel that they should be taken well cared for, financially and with benefits.

Beyond that... I feel that all humans should be treated with basic respect.

I've known lots of veterans who are scumbag pieces of shit, and I know plenty of heroes in other professions who are mistreated.

Case by case.
We shall overcome. :hippie:

As to the Buy the World a Coke/Hand Across America; those things are good attention getters, but what needs to be done is to stop and listen to one another without reducing the other to some sound bite name.
Agreed. Just kind of joking about it but agree completely. It is one reason that it is hard to do. It is easy for such efforts to get labeled and ridiculed as peaceniks singing Kumbaya or the like. And it is hard to turn to one another as individuals without pre-judging or labeling. But somehow it must be done by enough people to make a difference.

And this rampant violence that keeps happening, does not make it any easier.
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