The target on our backs is getting bigger though. With a lot of people feeling fear and hatred right now, it's more likely that violence will spread to currently safe communities. It may not be coming from traditional criminals either (as we're seeing in recent weeks). Drugs are insidious and have seeped into pretty much every nook and cranny in the U.S. and as use grows related crime will follow.
But that's just me being down on the U.S. of late. Gun enthusiasts won't concede an inch of even trying to make it harder for criminals, the seemingly mentally ill, and people being investigated for terrorist ties to get guns. And law enforcement has not accountability for killing people regardless of whether or not they are armed (let alone if their arms are legal). It's a fucked up situation wherein it's apparently okay for children, presumed homosexuals, or people that are sadly associated (if even tangentially) with mentally ill people who have guns to die en masse OR for cops to kill black men with little or even no cause. Because nothing has been to change anything. Not a single measure to try and prevent any of these things from happening again. Just political posturing by the majority in Congress and like it or not, we all know who's running both houses.
Fuck. I'm out...of this discussion, that is. I hope everyone and their family and friends are okay.