OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Ted should be careful, I'm sure some democrats will shoot back. A draft dodging pussy with a gun fetish like him will likely be the first to shit his pants when the bullets start flying. Ted is like the 'internet tough guy' with national press coverage. I bet he wears Navy Sales pajamas to bed. Good luck standing up for your rights against the oppressive government when that A-10 rolls in for a gun run on your position, Ted. Be careful what you wish for.

This fucking numbskull says shit like this all the time. I think he can only get his dick hard for Alex Jones by thinking about killing liberulls.
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I am just making an argument, but at a certain point, if this keeps going on, seems like I could apply for asylum in Canada or something.

I know that I am becoming fed up living in a place where this sort of talk, and trump's repeated behavior, are tolerated and defended by this many citizens.

There are a bunch of Trump supporters in Canada too. I don't know what the actual percentage would be but seriously, the polarizing characteristics of today's political rhetoric seems to catch the Conservative knee-jerk sorts quite easily up here.

We had a terrible Conservative government for 9 years led by a guy who was an economist who took ten years of surpluses and turned that around into 7 straight deficits & laid the groundwork for that prior to the economic downturn in 2008. People often give him credit for keeping Canada in good shape through that downturn but what kept Canada from being caught up in it too much was that our banks are quite regulated. The guy running the country wanted to deregulate the banks but he still has whacked Conservatives giving him the credit.

That Conservative government enacted many policies which benefitted the wealthy and further widened the gap between regular working people/poor and people who are well-off/rich including reducing corporate taxes to an unsustainable level.

Now we have a very 'center' sort of government in but due to some of the social policies/practices it comes off as super left and that infuriates the Conservatives to the point that I have seen people on social media saying that the Prime Minister should be hung. HUNG!!! Furthermore, after only 2 years, many have forgotten how bad the Conservative government was for 9 years and the new leader of the Conservatives is a near carbon copy of the moron who was so bad for so long.

At any rate, it doesn't seem that great here. I mean, if we could wind back the clock politically to 2006 and skip that 9 years of Conservative reign things would be so much better in so many ways but some things can't be reversed and some things just aren't being reversed so we have to just make do the way that it is.
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There are a bunch of Trump supporters in Canada too. I don't know what the actual percentage would be but seriously, the polarizing characteristics of today's political rhetoric seems to catch the Conservative knee-jerk sorts quite easily up here.

We had a terrible Conservative government for 9 years led by a guy who was an economist who took ten years of surpluses and turned that around into 7 straight deficits & laid the groundwork for that prior to the economic downturn in 2008. People often give him credit for keeping Canada in good shape through that downturn but what kept Canada from being caught up in it too much was that our banks are quite regulated. The guy running the country wanted to deregulate the banks but he still has whacked Conservatives giving him the credit.

That Conservative government enacted many policies which benefitted the wealthy and further widened the gap between regular working people/poor and people who are well-off/rich including reducing corporate taxes to an unsustainable level.

Now we have a very 'center' sort of government in but due to some of the social policies/practices it comes off as super left and that infuriates the Conservatives to the point that I have seen people on social media saying that the Prime Minister should be hung. HUNG!!! Furthermore, after only 2 years, many have forgotten how bad the Conservative government was for 9 years and the new leader of the Conservatives is a near carbon copy of the moron who was so bad for so long.

At any rate, it doesn't seem that great here. I mean, if we could wind back the clock politically to 2006 and skip that 9 years of Conservative reign things would be so much better in so many ways but some things can't be reversed and some things just aren't being reversed so we have to just make do the way that it is.
Thanks for the perspective. When shit gets to me down here, I regularly think about trying to emigrate to Canada (also snow packs in climate change affect my thought process) and I think I idealize Canada a bit.
Thanks for the perspective. When shit gets to me down here, I regularly think about trying to emigrate to Canada (also snow packs in climate change affect my thought process) and I think I idealize Canada a bit.

Dude. Come here. It is awesome.

Thanks for the perspective. When shit gets to me down here, I regularly think about trying to emigrate to Canada (also snow packs in climate change affect my thought process) and I think I idealize Canada a bit.

Also, check out the snow reports. 291 inches of snow pack at the top of Engelberg....that is about 24 feet of snow. They have 51 miles of trails open today.
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Ted should be careful, I'm sure some democrats will shoot back. A draft dodging pussy with a gun fetish like him will likely be the first to shit his pants when the bullets start flying. Ted is like the 'internet tough guy' will national press coverage. I bet he wears Navy Sales pajamas to bed. Good luck standing up for your rights against the oppressive government when that A-10 rolls in for a gun run on your position, Ted. Be careful what you wish for.

This fucking numbskull says shit like this all the time. I think he can only get his dick hard for Alex Jones by thinking about killing liberulls.
this latest Nugent thing got me all worked up last night. I went on my ski boat forum, which does not allow a political thread like this, and found in what is supposed to be a funny joke thread a meme about liberals getting shot. Shit is getting insane. And FB is driving me crazy. Not sure why I am even going on it, other than I am communicating with a few folks there about various things. Probably need to not go on that page for a while again.

I did find this there, which I found interesting, if a bit odd.

Go native. The coyote is the trickster--so much power over the naive. Be coyote, but love. They fear. We must face their fear with love. Why? Love is the only real thing--it's not coke. The haters don't know how to handle love, because they live in fear of the Other. We are the other. Let US unite and be strong. Be coyote, and be guided by the trickster who survives in the vast rural areas, suburbia, and the city--oh, just look it up how coyote survives and thrives. Be the Other--be coyote, and be proud. Coyote might be a smart ass--but Coyote wins.
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There are a bunch of Trump supporters in Canada too. I don't know what the actual percentage would be but seriously, the polarizing characteristics of today's political rhetoric seems to catch the Conservative knee-jerk sorts quite easily up here.

We had a terrible Conservative government for 9 years led by a guy who was an economist who took ten years of surpluses and turned that around into 7 straight deficits & laid the groundwork for that prior to the economic downturn in 2008. People often give him credit for keeping Canada in good shape through that downturn but what kept Canada from being caught up in it too much was that our banks are quite regulated. The guy running the country wanted to deregulate the banks but he still has whacked Conservatives giving him the credit.

That Conservative government enacted many policies which benefitted the wealthy and further widened the gap between regular working people/poor and people who are well-off/rich including reducing corporate taxes to an unsustainable level.

Now we have a very 'center' sort of government in but due to some of the social policies/practices it comes off as super left and that infuriates the Conservatives to the point that I have seen people on social media saying that the Prime Minister should be hung. HUNG!!! Furthermore, after only 2 years, many have forgotten how bad the Conservative government was for 9 years and the new leader of the Conservatives is a near carbon copy of the moron who was so bad for so long.

At any rate, it doesn't seem that great here. I mean, if we could wind back the clock politically to 2006 and skip that 9 years of Conservative reign things would be so much better in so many ways but some things can't be reversed and some things just aren't being reversed so we have to just make do the way that it is.
And in Ontario, this guy is now the leader of the opposition and because everyone is passed at the current provincial government, he will likely be premier later this year.
Thanks for the perspective. When shit gets to me down here, I regularly think about trying to emigrate to Canada (also snow packs in climate change affect my thought process) and I think I idealize Canada a bit.

Canada’s a big country. There are places that would probably fit your idealized version. Some, not so much.
In my waterski boat forum I joined to learn how best to care for and maintain a used ski boat I bought, I just had to report a post in a funny meme thre

this latest thing got me all worked up last night. I went on my ski boat forum, which does not allow a political thread like this, and found in what is supposed to be a funny joke thread a meme about liberals getting shot. Shit is getting insane. And FB is driving me crazy. Not sure why I am even going on it, other than I am communicating with a few folks there about various things. Probably need to not go on that page for a while again.

I did find this there, which I found interesting, if a bit odd.

Go native. The coyote is the trickster--so much power over the naive. Be coyote, but love. They fear. We must face their fear with love. Why? Love is the only real thing--it's not coke. The haters don't know how to handle love, because they live in fear of the Other. We are the other. Let US unite and be strong. Be coyote, and be guided by the trickster who survives in the vast rural areas, suburbia, and the city--oh, just look it up how coyote survives and thrives. Be the Other--be coyote, and be proud. Coyote might be a smart ass--but Coyote wins.

Be the coyote. Nailed it!
Go native. The coyote is the trickster--so much power over the naive. Be coyote, but love. They fear. We must face their fear with love. Why? Love is the only real thing--it's not coke. The haters don't know how to handle love, because they live in fear of the Other. We are the other. Let US unite and be strong. Be coyote, and be guided by the trickster who survives in the vast rural areas, suburbia, and the city--oh, just look it up how coyote survives and thrives. Be the Other--be coyote, and be proud. Coyote might be a smart ass--but Coyote wins.

that sounds very much like some navajo things i've read.
we can hope so.....


"The Republicans are in danger of losing their control of Congress in the 2018 midterm elections, according to a leading Republican pollster.
Speaking on Fox News on Sunday, Frank Luntz said, “I think the Republicans are in deep trouble in the House, and the Senate as well. If the election were held today, frankly, I think Republicans would lose both.”

[waits for howie to come here and tell me how much this is wishful thinking]rolleyes1
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