OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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the tariffs are being implemented under the rouse of national security. i guess our Canadian, Mexican and European allies pose a huge national security threat.

really its the same thing he blamed Obama for doing; avoiding congressional approval.

If I understand things correctly the President can only impose a tariff for six months before Congress has to approve it. So this trade war will either be short or he’ll have to keep inventing new tariffs. New tariffs would work to his advantage because it would be a constant stream of red meat for the base.
I'll just leave this here.

Dinesh D’Souza was prosecuted by Preet Bharara.
Martha Stewart was prosecuted by James B. Comey.
Rod R. Blagojevichwas prosecuted by Patrick J. Fitzgerald, a close friend and colleague of Comey.

That’s interesting, but I think it’s more likely a dog-whistle for Manafort, Cohen, etc: “Keep your mouth shut and I’ll pardon you”. To me, it’s the essence of obstruction of justice...

That's how I see it too. Not saying the @Flatspotter is wrong either though. Nothing is too crazy anymore.
That doesn’t sound far-fetched at all.
I think it is pretty much fact that he and his government have been trying to destabilize us. I think there is a lot of material to support that. How exactly the fallout would show up, I don't know if he thought he could control that or really cared. He may certainly have further goals if it works. But destabilization has been his aim. The motivations may be as simple as hate and revenge.

The original aim was to embarrass and damage Hillary Clinton, to sow dissension, and to show that American democracy is just as corrupt as Russia’s, if not worse. “No one believed in Trump, not even a little bit,” Soldatov says. “It was a series of tactical operations. At each moment, the people who were doing this were filled with excitement over how well it was going, and that success pushed them to go even further.”

“A lot of what they’ve done was very opportunistic,” says Dmitri Alperovitch, the Russian-born co-founder of the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, which first discovered the Russian interference after the company was hired to investigate the hack of the Democratic National Committee servers in May 2016. “They cast a wide net without knowing in advance what the benefit might be.” The Russian hackers were very skilled, Alperovitch says, but “we shouldn’t try to make them out to be eight feet tall” and able to “elect whomever they want. They tried in Ukraine, and it didn’t work.” Nor did it work in the French elections of 2017.

. . .

“They do plan,” said a senior Obama-administration official. “They’re not stupid at all. But the idea that they have this all perfectly planned and that Putin is an amazing chess player—that’s not quite it. He knows where he wants to end up, he plans the first few moves, and then he figures out the rest later. People ask if he plays chess or checkers. It’s neither: He plays blackjack. He has a higher acceptance of risk. Think about it. The election interference—that was pretty risky, what he did. If Hillary Clinton had won, there would’ve been hell to pay.”
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