O'Hare sucks

(the real answer is Pequod's)
Could have used that info during the 10 years I lived there. Seriously, it was never mentioned in all that time and all of my friends were born and raised there! What jerks.
They were almost exclusively Lou fans but I had some pretty stellar pies at Gino's.
Could have used that info during the 10 years I lived there. Seriously, it was never mentioned in all that time and all of my friends were born and raised there! What jerks.
They were almost exclusively Lou fans but I had some pretty stellar pies at Gino's.
Malnati's is easily my favorite of the chains - my go-to neighborhood place for deep dish is run by someone who either used to work at Malnati's or got their recipe some other way; their pizza is basically a Malnati's clone.

There's a new-ish place in Edgewater that's supposed to be really good, but it's so popular that even though it's take out or delivery only, you have to make a reservation like a week in advance and I keep forgetting
My dad is banned (by me) from picking me up from O'Hell as of 2019 -- and that was a Sunday night in October. I would do the Metra rendezvous. Or anything but picking him up there.

ps Watch the first seven seconds of this if you want to laugh so hard your skull pops out of your skin.

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My dad is banned (by me) from picking me up from O'Hell as of 2019 -- and that was a Sunday night in October. I would do the Metra rendezvous. Or anything but picking him up there.

ps Watch the first seven seconds of this if you want to laugh so hard your skull pops out of your skin.

Tinas makes the best burritos in the world...he told you so plus they have actual hispanics making them and not some gringo as they show you in the video so that means they are authentic...muy bueno
Tinas makes the best burritos in the world...he told you so plus they have actual hispanics making them and not some gringo as they show you in the video so that means they are authentic...muy bueno

You were in San Fran IIRC?

More the San Jose area (Frisco gets all the acclaim, but the South Bay and Peninsula are the economic engine of the Bay Area). We made a retrograde move to the Midwest in May. I'm still recovering. Did it all with one hand behind my back (literally - I have a shitload of torn tendons in my right rotator cuff...)
My dad is banned (by me) from picking me up from O'Hell as of 2019 -- and that was a Sunday night in October. I would do the Metra rendezvous. Or anything but picking him up there.

ps Watch the first seven seconds of this if you want to laugh so hard your skull pops out of your skin.

Cultural appropriation?
I had family that lived in Franklin Park, about 3 miles from O'hare. During the two times I visited them, I threw down a half dozen or so of these Italian subs. Al & Joe's deli in Franklin Park. Home of the Chicago Sub. This is where I would eat if I was in the area. It's not fancy, but it's good.

My aunt Violet from Franklin Park was addicted to smoking cigarettes. She developed a horrible smokers cough. Her Myna bird would mimic said cough perfectly. It was eerie.
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I haaaaaaate O'Hare, or more specifically the ramps and loops and highways that have developed as the airport grew.

Most recently, I was trying to find our vehicle in the parking garage that uses Sports Teams names for the levels... while all the signs use Numbers... but Bears 1-8 is not reachable to Bears 9-16 without going back to the ground floor, down the sidewalk and up the elevators on the other half of the parking garage (with a Hotel inbetween :mad: ) in the heat, while dragging suitcases.

Then a few days later, I had to drive out there... I had the smart idea to wait at a nearby bar, until they landed.... except it was late enough that most of the bars were closed. :(

Do yourself a favor.... wait at a restaurant 5 min away or worst case the cell phone lot, once they have their baggage, find out which terminal and which door number they're at... drive up and get them. That is the best way to deal with that place... Get in... Get Out.... follow your Google Map Navigation... try not to die on the expressway.

Good Luck. :helper:
Any hints?

Also, probably will be hungry for something quick drive through or at least eat on the way.
Portillos is fine for driving, though messy.

If you were going closer to downtown, I'd send you to Honky Tonk BBQ on the West Side, or Joy Yee in Chinatown.

Besides the driving tips above... If you want to take something home, Pre-Order a Lou Malnati's or Giordano's pizza... tell them you're travelling with it and they can cook it 90%. Get it home, pop it in the oven to crisp up the crust, melt the top cheese and enjoy.
