I'm never getting a Jeep. :tongue:

Mrs. P brought home a S&W Bodyguard .380 with laser sight today.

Now I want one. :embarrassed:
I blew off 150 rounds today. 100 .38 and 50 .357. It was a good day off. Now the cleaning begins. :thu:
I blew off 150 rounds today. 100 .38 and 50 .357. It was a good day off. Now the cleaning begins. :thu:

Yeah. On Sunday, we fired maybe 200 9mm rounds through our S&W M&P Shields, and maybe 50 or so through the Glock 21SF .45.

We would have stayed at the range longer, but there was a family there with kids that kept trying to run out into the range to reset their targets without any warning.
Nothing worse than idiots on the range. Last week a co worker came shooting with me. He fires off his 7 rounds and turns towards me with the gun pointed at my gut. I almost punched him.
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I think you guys might be single handedly responsible for the black friday bump

I would agree, but we didn't buy anything on black Friday. :embarrassed:

I have told people that we are responsible for Smith & Wesson stock being up 7% last week, though.
If you get a chance, check out the ruger lcp w/laser.

I'm only working 1/2 day tomorrow.

I plan to take her new Bodyguard, and my 9mm Shield to the range and fire them both for a while. Then I'll go to Cabela's and check out a few different guns before deciding.

No place around here lets you try before you buy. You can hold them, and dry fire them, but you can't actually shoot them.
Great pistol,a bit snappy.It will be a great back up when Prages gets that 1911 in 2 months. :)

I got the go ahead on a 1911, but I'm holding out for the exact one that I want.

I'll probably get a 1911 and a Jeep at the same time. :grin:
Great pistol,a bit snappy.It will be a great back up when Prages gets that 1911 in 2 months. :)
All the little .380s are snappy though, kinda comes with the territory. I had considered a bodyguard 380, but opted for the LCP. Hogue makes a grip sleave for it that I kind of consider a must have as well as the small mag/grip thing that ruger includes in the package.

So @Prages , which 1911 are you holding out for?
So @Prages , which 1911 are you holding out for?

I really like the looks of this Sig.

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Although, this Kimber is $500 cheaper.


I really like the look of the black frame and steel slide more than steel frame and black slide, though.
Look into a SA loded. Nice 1911 that won't break the bank. I am saving for a SA mis spec.
Look into a SA loded. Nice 1911 that won't break the bank. I am saving for a SA mis spec.

Mrs. P. Posted a Springfield to my FB page that was $537.

Very nice, but I really want the two tone.

I'm being very picky about Jeeps and 1911s. :embarrassed: