Noted duckfat enthusiast
A note for those who were apparently comatose during the last 10 years: yes, the rules in the NFL have changed. Due to lots of new information (you may or may not call it "scientific gobbledy gook"), there is an emphasis on preventing the type of mammoth, clock-cleaning hits that stir the loins of those who suffered bone spurs during high school contact sport try outs.
One is not to lower one's head.
One is not to lay out a defenseless player at any position.
One is not to initiate helmet-to-helmet contact.
This may ruin football for you; but I think Grindr may offer what you're seeking.
One is not to lower one's head.
One is not to lay out a defenseless player at any position.
One is not to initiate helmet-to-helmet contact.
This may ruin football for you; but I think Grindr may offer what you're seeking.