Nice! the longest lens I have is the tamron 70-300mm on a cropped sensor and I do wish I had a monster lens sometimes. My laptop hardrive went caput so I got a new laptop and decided to learn to use the free programs instead of lightroom, I like rawtherapee the most so far. But it doesn't have a panorama feature which is annoying
Went on a short holiday to the Kintyre peninsular and saw lots of old stuff
Kilmartin Glen has tons of prehistoric stones, cairns, et
Doesn't look like much but this was possibly my favourite site in the glen, Dunadd Fort, one of the most historically important sites in the country, dates from the iron age when the romans fucked off.. I was the only person there
Isle of Gigha is a community owned island with its own botanic gardens, on shore halibut farm and some great seafood