Minor mojo for Mrs. P.

The egg beaters are those minus the platforms (...and to be honest, I think the platforms are pointless and can make unclipping harder depending on your shoe design).

Take the shoes and clip them in and out a few times. Make sure the design of the sole isn't interferring with the operation. Sometimes you need to create a little extra clearance around the cleat area w/ a razor knife or any other part that seems to catch or cause interference

I'll check that out. I don't think there's any real problem other than neither of us has ever used spds before.
I'll check that out. I don't think there's any real problem other than neither of us has ever used spds before.

It can definitely be tricky at first. You always want to remember when in doubt, heels out!
No big deal, I think the fault was all mine. The clip in and out is actually quite smooth, I was just making a tight turn on gravel and didn't get it quite right, the front skidded and my reaction time was not quick enough. I was unclipped by the time I hit the ground though. :grin:

No biggie, just have to wear the brace for a week or two, and it hurts like an SOB, other than that life is awesome :thu:

I will get the hang of them eventually.
Major mojo Paula, I share your pain.

Mojo to you too Greg!

Now you go to bed, no yooouuuu go to bed
No big deal, I think the fault was all mine. The clip in and out is actually quite smooth, I was just making a tight turn on gravel and didn't get it quite right, the front skidded and my reaction time was not quick enough. I was unclipped by the time I hit the ground though. :grin:

No biggie, just have to wear the brace for a week or two, and it hurts like an SOB, other than that life is awesome :thu:

I will get the hang of them eventually.

You go to bed !!!!