Minor mojo for Mrs. P.


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She's really having a run of bad physical luck.

She'd been having a lot of pain in her foot for a while, and the Thursday that everyone arrived for Pragestock, that morning she finally went to the foot doctor. Turns out she has a heel spur and a couple of pulled or partially torn ligaments. The doctor gave her some orthotic arch supports and told her to think of them as a cast, so she has to wear them all the time. She also has a boot that she has to wear at night.

Needless to say, running or even walking has proved to be pretty painful for her.

So, we've been doing more biking.

We've always just had regular pedals on our bikes, but everyone has always told us that if we ever tried SPDs, we'd never want to ride with pedals again.

So, over the weekend we had some cash burning a hole in our pockets and bought each of us a set of SPDs and some biking shoes. We knew there would be some adjustment, so we've mainly kept it to riding around the yard, though we did go up to Cedar Lakes on Sunday morning.

Anyway, yesterday evening we were riding around in the yard and Mrs. P wiped out on the gravel driveway. Couldn't get unclipped fast enough to catch herself. She took the impact with her left wrist. She got a few nice scrapes and bruises from the gravel too.

It was hurting so bad she went to the ER this morning. It's not broken, but it's a pretty severe sprain.

So now she's got a bad foot and a bad wrist. We can't really go to the pool because of the damned orthotics and now the splint on her wrist. We can't run, and now we can't bike.

I imagine I'm going to need more mojo than she is because she's going to drive me nuts if she can't get out and exercise. :facepalm:
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Yowza! She is having a bad run right now isn't she? Much prayers and mojo out to Mrs P! After having to not run for 10 days I can totally relate...it was driving me nuts.
That sucks...mojo

What pedals did you get? I'm a huge fan of my speedplays and egg beaters; easy entry/exit plus some side to side cant so your knees don't feel bound
On the good side, we got a heck of a deal on our spds and shoes. The guy actually just gave Mrs. P her shoes because they were an odd size and nobody else could wear them.
I think Prages definitely needs it more than me. I am going to be a bear to live with. :grin:

I'm just a little slow on the upswing in learning this new stuff.

We got Crank Brothers Candy's I like them, just have to get better at them. Couldn't beat the deal, I got the shoes for free since no one else had been able to fit in them, and they had been in the shop foor a while.
That sucks...mojo

What pedals did you get? I'm a huge fan of my speedplays and egg beaters; easy entry/exit plus some side to side cant so your knees don't feel bound

Crank Brothers Candy and Candy 2

Candy 1:


Candy 2:


The 2s have an aluminum plate, where the 1s are some kind of high density plastic. The shop only had one pair of each of them, so he met us in the middle for the more expensive pair.
Crank Brothers Candy and Candy 2

Candy 1:

Candy 2:

The 2s have an aluminum plate, where the 1s are some kind of high density plastic. The shop only had one pair of each of them, so he met us in the middle for the more expensive pair.

The egg beaters are those minus the platforms (...and to be honest, I think the platforms are pointless and can make unclipping harder depending on your shoe design).

Take the shoes and clip them in and out a few times. Make sure the design of the sole isn't interferring with the operation. Sometimes you need to create a little extra clearance around the cleat area w/ a razor knife or any other part that seems to catch or cause interference