Mental health check-in

Slowly going batshit insane.

I'm working from home for an organization that's involved in COVID-19 testing, so I'm busy all day during the week and into the weekend... although not particularly efficiently. Never realized how much of my job involves pestering coworkers and managers in person until they comply. The workdays are incredibly long, endless, and frustrating. When I'm not working, I'm exhausted. I wake up in the middle of the night worrying that I've forgotten some piddly detail that's going to mess up the COVID research project, and can't go back to sleep.

I hear people talking about all the down time they have nowadays to binge watch Netflix etc., and I'm struggling to find any meaningfully useful blocks of free time. It took me four days to watch all of "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" in little 15-20 minute chunks.

For various reasons, I'm also at a higher risk for complications from COVID-19 and that's got me at Howard Hughes levels of paranoia. Not really keen on the idea of working my ass off for weeks on end, then dying alone in a makeshift hospital tent. Fuck that.

Quite worried about some family members who are especially vulnerable (Alzheimers, lung issues). It's probable I'll never see some of them again.

Needless to say I'm driving my wife crazy with my doom and gloom. It's not a happy time in the Tralfaz home.

the ONLY time I ever consulted a mental health professional was in 1993, when I had a boss that I wanted to place one bullet in his head.
I told the shrink, "hey, I wanna kill this asshole" and so does everyone else that works for this asshole.
Doc said, "bad choice; don't go there."
Been great ever since.
This was something that I worried about, not for myself, but for others. I have a friend who's daughter suffers from depression and tried to kill herself a few years ago. She's better now but who knows if this kind of stress will have her backsliding. Fortunately she is with her family which I think will help prevent that. But I have no personal experience with that kind of depression, even at in my worse situations. It's hard for me to understand those that do, though I do recognize that it isn't something that you can just wish away for those people. For all of you out there that are struggling, much mojo and my hope that you can see that this is only a temporary thing and things will get better.

For us personally, we are lucky. I've been retired 5 years now and my wife longer so there isn't any stress from us suddenly being forced together. We have our routines and they are mostly intact save my going to the gym and my wife's love of going shopping (food shopping and hitting multiple stores for multiple deals which isn't happening now)
I'm still working, but Stress levels are high due to both the very real probability that I will be laid off

supply chain seems to have caught back up (except for paper goods) in anticipation of what's to come...

I'm still working too but, my main customer the carpet store is closed till the end of April now, so nobody is selling more carpet so, eventually, I'll have no work. Almost every year, it's slow in the winter and every year I get stressed, even though I've gone through it again and again. Every year, wife freaks out.

Every day I work, on the ride in, at 7:15, radio does What's Not Making Headlines. Wacky news from around the world like In England, a naked man was arrested... etc. So, this story was about the toilet paper and, how all the idiots bought it up. No idea of the source, how accurate. A study says that because schools and businesses are closed for the pandemic, the average household will use 40% more toilet paper than normal. Again, no idea of how accurate this is. Went on to say, the toilet paper industry is split in half, retail side and commercial side so, it's not like a company can just send more toilet paper to the grocery stores.
Yesterday I Skyped my sister and played Trivial Pursuit with her, my bro in law and nephew (I won :embarrassed: ) then had a pretty long conversation with my dad on the phone and got quite bummed out for the rest of the night.

I had a few CBD infused rums while playing with them so I don't know if that had any part to play or speaking to them made me miss them more - just about every Sunday I meet my dad for a few hours to have beer and catch up over some football and we won't be doing that any time soon.

Who knows. Back up and about it today - I'm just trying to keep motivated and working on little jobs so I don't stagnate. Going to start doing some proper exercise too, a good few years ago now I was all about the P90x and in great shape, now I'm a slob so time to do something about it :grin:

Trying to be creative too, my brother and an old band mate who lives in Spain but together a very ghetto video of us playing one of our old band songs last week and it was really nice to see all our old school pals and folk who remembered the band commenting on it so we're going to try and do some more.

I'm trying to get a bit more social media savvy too for the DJ biz - don't tell mrs jbj but I've currently reorganised the whole downstairs of the house so that I can shoot a cooking video for my social media channels :embarrassed:
feeling pretty good. so thankful to still have a job. thankful to have food for my family. thankful to have a yard for them to run around.

started to teach my oldest basketball yesterday. that was really fun.

Anxiety is waaaay up, with a side order of depression. We've been trying to stay busy to fight it off. Keeping to roughly our normal schedule and doing all the normal shit around the house.
I'm cool with being at home, as I usually am anyway. But the "what-ifs" and worst case scenarios keep fucking with my head big time. Wife went back to work today, which freaks me the fuck out too.
Bout ready to commit murder. Recording vocals at home and apparently my neighbors for the first time ever have morphed into dirt bike enthusiasts. And my lovely wife has rediscovered the joys of running the vacuum.
Somehow, for the first time in the decade I've lived here I am running into issues with outside noises making it into my recordings.

Speaking of noise, I'm going to move to the city to get some peace and quiet. Two doors down neighbor of a couple years has a missile range that I've heard as late as 2:30 in the morning, dogs that are outside barking at all times of day in all kinds of weather, like 27 kids, and 15 ATVs. Shut the fuck up!
There are my wife, our 28yo daughter and I rambling around in our palatial 1200 sqft garden townhouse (i.e. one level). We're doing fine, but since my daughter lives here and her boyfriend is in Canuckistan for the duration she's not really too happy. He's getting his year internship (graduated last year in chiropractic medicine) and she's been doing her occupational therapy via Zoom, but they have now had two trips they had planned canceled (Vancouver in April and Manhattan in May). Otherwise, I've been keeping busy. Our fiscal year ended on 3/31, so I put in a lot of 12-16 hour days the last couple of weeks. This week, I've got about six hours of 'meetings' scheduled to work on resource planning for this fiscal year. I took Friday "off", so hopefully I'll be refreshed to get back to it.

I had planned on visiting Madison to see my sister and - especially my parents who are both in their 90s and under hospice care, but it's highly likely that one or both of them will be dead by the time I am allowed to actually go into their facility (a lovely place one block off Capitol Square), so even if I could, getting on a plane this month to WI wouldn't make any sense. So, I'm basically calling about every other day and it sounds like my mom is circling the drain (she's on morphine and heavy muscle relaxants for cancer that's metastasized to her lower spine.) My dad is basically cancer covered with skin at this point, but he's a tough old bastard (went through Ranger basic in late 1944) and survived stage IV gastric/esophogeal cancer at 70 as well as a partial (3/4) pericardiectomy necessitated by radiation damage from the cancer treatment a few years later (he is - or at least was the oldest person to have ever survived that procedure) so who knows?

Anyway - I hope all of you who have major concerns over jobs and income are able to weather this. At least that isn't a concern for me at this point (although, like most of us, I lost about 15% of my nest egg over the past month...)
Speaking of noise, I'm going to move to the city to get some peace and quiet. Two doors down neighbor of a couple years has a missile range that I've heard as late as 2:30 in the morning, dogs that are outside barking at all times of day in all kinds of weather, like 27 kids, and 15 ATVs. Shut the fuck up!

We NEED to know more about this "Missile Range". Is this your neighbor:

I am still reporting to work Monday through Friday. My kids are home schooling except for the 4 year old. They seem to like it and are doing well during the day without direct supervision.
My wife and I work at the same facility. I have fits of anger at night from time to time. Especially when I've been drinking which I seem to do more and more lately.
The anger is directed towards work and the unjust and flat out despicable decisions that have been made. Pay cut, poor patient intake planning, "If you don't like it you can quit" emails, etc.
It's frustrating to say the least.
The fear of the unknown is the worst for me. How long will this last? Can we sustain our facility to the end? If we lose our jobs how long can we last?
Will I have to eat my children?
Seeing the lines getting longer and longer at stores scares me. People are still panic buying. We have about a month's worth of food right now. We are trying not to go anywhere but work if possible.
My anxiety wants to just quarantine and get through this but we can't afford to do that for long. Everything seems so surreal and strange even though I am technically going about my life as if there was no threat. Seems all foggy/hazy and weird.
Lots of nightmares.
went to aldi yesterday. was pretty calm. they did not have tp this week but i went later in the day than last week when they had it.

bought our normal weeks worth of food but it is more than normal with all the kids at home all week.

they started hand cleaning all the carts and not charging for them which was nice. they finally put up clear shields around the cashiers. that took way too long. i feel badly for them.

also went to the dispensary. ordered on my phone. curbside pickup, did not get out of my car. prices were actually decent. products were great.
Outside of the Mayor thing keeping me more then normally busy - I have been staying at home. More than ever - Good news is I'm down 10 lbs.

What I have recently done was reach out to people that I haven't talked to in a while, just asking them how they are doing and if everything is OK. I haven't talked to some people in a few years, but I know I would mind getting a few check ups during this time. So, I've beed reaching out to people, past co-workers, family I haven't seen in some time, friends, etc. just to wish them good thoughts.
Somehow, for the first time in the decade I've lived here I am running into issues with outside noises making it into my recordings.

Those dogs need some dirt bikes! And maybe some tools so they can do whatever the project car grinder nonsense my next door neighbor got into not long after I wrapped up the first thing I was working on (and therefore precluding any additional work).
My wife is on a skype call to our friend who lives in Jakarta but is stuck in a tiny flat here as he was visiting when all the flights got cancelled.

He's just sitting around all day drinking after getting through what little work is left for him online in the morning

He works in business and has always been a big drinker - his mum has a problem and he'll tell you himself he's a functioning alcoholic, a sociable one - dinner parties, dining out with 2-3 bottles of wine, catch up for a few drinks? let's turn it into a 10 hour sesh etc...

Don't get me wrong, I'm drinking a fair bit too, most folk around here I know without kids are, but this really doesn't bode well if he's just sitting about all day getting legless. :(
Stressful day.

Went to the following in order. An hours drive into town and back out. Had vocal contact/distance with no less than 30 people. 10-15 different doorknobs. Ugh.

My Brothers house
Our boutique business
The new apartment (don’t ask)
The Mazda store
The liquor store
The grocery store

Started with a homemade mask but my contractor at the boutique hit me with an extra P95 mask. So, that kinda helped my anxiety.

Those heavy duty masks are very uncomfortable, tho. So a bit more a treat.