Jeezus... that last one...

My wife always complains about "never having any cash"... "I gave you $60 last week..." (not to mention ATMs are everywhere... just STOP USING CASH to pay for your gas/starbucks/whatever and you'll have emergency cash in your wallet when you need it.
I always carry at least $200 cash in my wallet just for the odd fucking "machines are down" or tow truck or whatever... if I have money from a gig, it can sometimes be in my wallet for a month. I just save it.
Edit: Case in point… we went to New Orleans for New Years. I took a grand in cash and used a bit at a bar and at a restaurant where I didn’t want to wait in the crowd to sign a card receipt. 3 weeks later and I still have 800 that I haven’t touched so now I don’t hve to go to the bank before going to NAMM. It’s not that difficult to decide when to use cash and when to save it for emergency!!!
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