Probably time to refresh this thread....
I've updated to the latest non-beta firmware and the liquid profiles sound amazing.
Typically, I run the monitor out to the FX return on my Mesa tube combo and mic the cabinet.... which almost makes the Kemper like a Multi-FX device for a tube power section...
... but this year I've had to play a few more direct to FOH gigs (and I'm still acclimating to a set of In-Ear Monitors I got custom fit for), so I've duplicated some of those same patches but tweaked accordingly to sound better direct. Started testing my rigs with HSS, HH, and Taylor Acoustic Electric to find out which ones need to be in their own Per-Gig patch. Might grow my library out to have 5 "first set" sounds... then 10 "variety" sounds for requests, and then 5 "loud" sounds that get used for 3 set songs.
@Dexter Inferno .... have you ever set up your Kemper in a 4-cable method, turn off the amp & cab, and just use the patch buttons to call Midi changes on a head and the FX?
Looks like I'm going to own one of these before the end of the month, and I'm thinking that the Kemper might make the perfect solution instead of a dedicated "amp" pedal board.