I don't know if you saw this, but a dude at the mylespaul forum made a nice overlay of the bottom of the board superimposed on the top of the board:
(I think you have to be logged in there to see it).
The only thing missing are the traces that go under the tube socket.
Anyway, I'm pretty much done. This thing sounds killer. Here's my mods. I'm running a JJ6L6 and 2 old peavey 12AX7's. The amp now cops a real nice marshall vibe, and cleans up fairly well. These mods clean up the furry/fuzzy distortion and really open the amp up, imo.
Please note for random people reading this: Do not attempt these mods if you don't know what you're doing. My notes may be sketchy or incorrect. Tube amps contain electronic charges that can kill you. Although this amp has bleeder resistors, mods, mistakes and malfunctions may render them useless. Always confirm that the amp is safe before proceeding.
Here's my schematic and notes:
Remove wires from 2w/5w switch and standby switch and hardwire them. This opens up some space. The 2w setting is useless and there is no need for a standby switch on this amp.
Use the 2w/5w switch to switch the cathode cap across R5. I'm using a .47uf and 22uf. The 22uf is too much when the preamp is cranked. Good w/clean settings.
Remove c1.
c2 (v1a coupling cap): Remove original c2. Use a .022uf, install in same hole as r2 that connects to plate of v1a and leave other leg up. Attach a 470k with a 470pf across it to the open leg of new coupling cap and install other leg on run that goes to gain control (where other side of c2 used to go across to).
c7 (treble bypass on gain control): change to .001uf - this fixes the anemic tone when turning the gain down.
R9 - change to 10k
Use standby switch to toggle a 3.3k across r9 for a nice boost switch. This will "pop" when the switch is toggled.
Add a 680k from the run that v2a's grid connects to at r14 and run it to ground. This fixes the overly large grid leak issue. This is running from v2a's grid across the bright switch and across r12.
Change the mid cap (labeled c10 on schematic, but different on board) to a .01uf.
I tried quite a few different things and this set of changes does sound great. I've got the amp buttoned up and am going to play it for a week or so. There is quite a range of tones available by adjusting the master vol and gain. I find that the amp really picks up depth w/the master above 7.