It's a dry heat

Feels like today is 107. There's a crawl across the bottom of the TV screen telling us not to go out and if we do to drink plenty of water and don't exert yourselves.
Feels like today is 107. There's a crawl across the bottom of the TV screen telling us not to go out and if we do to drink plenty of water and don't exert yourselves.
jeez....if they did that here we'd never get anything done. !07 is like 6Pm weather *spits*
imageedit_22_6347921567 (1).jpg

I did not photograph this pic ....I found it on the internets but I am posting it to show we do get rain at times.

*edit* also to show we are not a wasteland

a Range Rover guy came ito the shop today just before noon. his ac wasn't working. So as I'm doing a quick scanmy boss is small talking to the guy and I'm listening. The guy is a University grad student and he said "man it's hot" and my boss starts in on 'well you know it's the humidity" and the Rover guy is all"well I'm from FLORIDA and it's humid there...he looks at his phone it say 92 and 59 percent humidity over in FLORIDA and feels like 104...but this THIS HERE is" and I did a virtual *spits*

TLDR...Florida guy states that Tucson is incredible hotter than Florida with humidity

the end.
a Range Rover guy came ito the shop today just before noon. his ac wasn't working. So as I'm doing a quick scanmy boss is small talking to the guy and I'm listening. The guy is a University grad student and he said "man it's hot" and my boss starts in on 'well you know it's the humidity" and the Rover guy is all"well I'm from FLORIDA and it's humid there...he looks at his phone it say 92 and 59 percent humidity over in FLORIDA and feels like 104...but this THIS HERE is" and I did a virtual *spits*

TLDR...Florida guy states that Tucson is incredible hotter than Florida with humidity

the end.

Sea breezes. *spits* No corn.

We had 99 degrees today and 60 pct humidity, which works out to about a 130 heat index. I dont know nothin bout no Arizona dry heat, but the Pennsylvania wet heat was a bitch today.
*tries to spit but too dehydrated from useless sweating*
We had 99 degrees today and 60 pct humidity, which works out to about a 130 heat index. I dont know nothin bout no Arizona dry heat, but the Pennsylvania wet heat was a bitch today.
*tries to spit but too dehydrated from useless sweating*
yeah...130 :rolleyes: that's like the equivilent of -90////pretty sure nobody would even be out.
There is also the constant relentless heat which you get in Arizona. when we do get rain it is amazing psycologically and physically the relief it brings. when you have over two months both 100 plus days (and probably 30 of those over 105 and nightime not dropping below 80 then get back to me :wink: