It's 1985: what's your beer of choice?

Anybody remember these?

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I remember they were kinda' sweet. Memory associations can be weird...

A few nights after we broke up, my ex-girlfriend's cosmetology classmate/friend came over for her ego and to see if she could.
She did.
We drank a few Little Kings, but for some reason, they made me sick later. As she was getting in the passenger side for me to take her home, I threw up outside of my side of the car.
That's my last memory of Little Kings and raven haired Beverley. She was goth in 1984.
Since I was in the Army stationed in Erlangen, W. Germany at the time it would have been a local helles hefeweizen, maybe Tucher or Guttmann. Probably served at Bar Bazi in the Hugenottenplatz. A bar/pub/tavern has operated continuously at that location since like 1688.

In 85 I was a Bud guy. Bush if going cheap. Nobody in Alabama knew about good beer back then. I preferred Bud or Bush over Miller or Natural Lite,
Always preferred ales. I started with this, aka Armadillo ale. I still have an (empty) stubby when they stopped making them

Ugh, I still don't know how people can drink Tennants. It's not as bad as other British lagers,but it's pretty bad

I can't abide it at all. Awful lager. The main competition back then was Harp, which was equally dreadful.

Or for ales we could have had Bass Export or Smithwicks.
If someone else was paying:


Actually met Jim Koch in 1985 at a bar in Cambridge (33 Dunster St., RIP) and he bought us beers and gave us keyrings. He looked 12 years old. We thought he was a drunk loudmouth marketing intern when he started saying it was his brewery, but since he was buying, we smiled and nodded. Beer was very good. Saw his pic in Boston Globe two weeks later, laughed at ourselves. Kept keyring as memento of drinking career.

If I was paying:

... in bar bottles. $5.99/case on special at the packy.
Dad drank green bottled beers as long as I could remember. Heineken, Moosehead, Molson, and Rolling Rock, so probably one of those. When I started drinking in 92 it was the cheapest thing on the shelf. Almost nothing but craft brews for me these days.
If someone else was paying:


Actually met Jim Koch in 1985 at a bar in Cambridge (33 Dunster St., RIP) and he bought us beers and gave us keyrings. He looked 12 years old. We thought he was a drunk loudmouth marketing intern when he started saying it was his brewery, but since he was buying, we smiled and nodded. Beer was very good. Saw his pic in Boston Globe two weeks later, laughed at ourselves. Kept keyring as memento of drinking career.

If I was paying:

... in bar bottles. $5.99/case on special at the packy.

My father tried Sam and said that it was really good. But I can remember when I was a little kid, we would take a trip out to his sister's house and then pick up a case of BL 40 ouncers. The packy out by her house was the only local place that had 'em.