It's 1985: what's your beer of choice?

I snuck a sip of my step-dad's Old Milwaukee in the 70's and didn't touch another beer for 20 years. Alcohol was never my thing.
1985 I lived in Eastern Idaho, so these were pretty much the only ones you saw (3.2, of course - if I wanted real beer I had to drive to Jackson, WY...)

i grew up in western Pa. so the tv commercials had lots of Carling Black Label, Schaefer, Rolling Rock, Schmidt's. i never see those commercials anymore here in NW Ohio.
Mostly German imported beers since I couldn't stand American macro swill.

Pacifico was our go-to for mass consumption.
Hmm. Back then, the honest answer was probably the brand new MGD, from Miller, with experimental forays into Grant’s Ale from Yakima Brewing in WA. It was a pale, similar to Redhook ESB, out of Redhook in Seattle, but Redhook didn’t start releasing beer for another couple years. That was a transitional time. To be honest, there was probably some Coors Silver Bullets and Budweiser classics in there too. I can’t stand the taste of Budweiser now. Silver bullets are like hot afternoon after a hot bike ride or mowing the lawn low calorie hydration unit now.
1985 I lived in Eastern Idaho, so these were pretty much the only ones you saw (3.2, of course - if I wanted real beer I had to drive to Jackson, WY...)

I liked those, and had them as a youth obviously being a Tacoma kid between Olympia and Seattle. Tacoma had the nastier, Heidelberg, in 11 ounce stubby bottles. But in the 80’s, I had been convinced to leave those regional products behind in favor of the aforementioned MGD and such. Also, Henry Weinhards was considered a treat.
In 1985 I was hanging out at The Cultured Pearl, a Bohemian bar/restaurant that featured Mexican food, poetry, and jazz. Dos Equis was the beer on tap.

At other places, I was drinking this, because it had a flamingo on it...
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Their regular beer was made in Azusa CA (for the American market)

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I avoided the American stuff and bought the German stuff whenever possible. I ever bought a couple of 6ers from a Hudson's Bay Trading Co. trading post in Churchill, Man, Canada. Once I couldn't find any German anymore I quit drinking it. Miller also brewed it in Milwaukee.
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In Northern Ireland Tennents lager was the drink of choice, with the 'lager lovelies' on the back of each can.


Ugh, I still don't know how people can drink Tennants. It's not as bad as other British lagers,but it's pretty bad
85 as my freshman year of high school. I've never been a beer drinker, and it those days, it was just pot for me. I don't think I really started drinking until my senior year of high school and then it was either gin or Yukon Jack.